why does 1password ask me to "select columns" when importing a password CSV.? So Annoying.


why does 1password ask me to "select columns" when importing a password CSV.? So Annoying. Why not just accept the CSV and automatically set the columns like Dashlane.

I hate the fact 1password asks me to do this when importing passwords from CSV and when I tried to do it. All the passwords were imported incorrectly.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:why does 1password ask me to "select columns" when importing a password CSV.? So Annoying.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @LeonManderson ,

    Many CSV exports do not carry column information (aka a header row), and there is no standard order to the columns, so you have to tell 1Password the meaning of the columns. Dashlane cannot know all CSV imports and 100% accurately "guess" the meaning of columns.

    One could ask why Dashlane miserably fails to export user data reliably!

    What software are you importing CSV from - Dashlane?

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