1Password trial does not fill forms in IE


I am using a trail version to test 1Password for windows. I am using windows 10 and I am unable to get the program to fill out forms in IE or Edge. Is it because it is a trial version?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:ios/sync-with-dropbox, ug:mac/sync-folder, ug:mac/sync-dropbox, kb-search:use with edge, kb:missing-extension-button


  • Hi @Robert1234,

    The active trial mode has no restrictions and once 30 days has passed, 1Password will disallow you from adding new items or exceed 20 items. If you have less than 20 items, 1Password is free to use until you reach that limit.

    As for Edge, Microsoft does not support extensions yet for Edge. Right now, only Internet Explorer 10 is supported with 1Password on Windows 10 including Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

    When you open Internet Explorer, do you see the 1Password icon in the command bar? If you're not sure, please read our support article here: https://support.1password.com/missing-extension-button/

    I would also recommend reading our quick-start guide: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-windows/4/en/topic/quick-start

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