upgrading from 4 to 5
I have been using 1password 4 for years. It seemed to automatically upgrade to 5.3.2 and now the trial period is over. Do I have to re-purchase the upgrade when 4 was doing just fine? Please advise, since 1password 4 now seems to be non functional.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:upgrading from 4 to 5
I believe you may have been caught out by a bug in 1PW4. It was a paid upgrade from 1PW3, but due to a bug some people found that they were never told that the trial period had expired, so were able to continue without paying. This bug was squashed, and 1PW5 only works fully beyond the trial period if you buy a licence.
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Hi @fisherl,
Just to add to what danco said, if you do have a valid license for 1Password 4, the same license will work for 1Password 5, as v5 was a free upgrade from v4. Here's a bit more detail on the "Trial Expired" message.