Moving items between categories


Back when I originally set-up my information on 1Password I didn't really understand what I was doing and I set-up most everything as a login rather than a credit card or bank account, etc. Is there a way of "reclassifying" an item as a credit card instead of a login? I have a Windows computer and an iphone 6.

Thanks, Garret Ware

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:Categories, kb:group-by-category


  • Hi @Garretware,

    There isn't a way to convert items, you would need to manually copy and paste data between items or use the iPhone next to your PC. There's a Large Type option you can tap on password fields on your iPhone to make it easier to see the information.

  • Hi,

    I deleted your other duplicate thread. This isn't a real-time chat, it's a public support forum. We will reply to your post ASAP and you'll get notifications when we do.

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