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Will it Delete When I Sync?!?

Community Member

On my iPhone, I have added and deleted various passwords since the last time I synced with my Mac. If I run a sync, will it delete the passwords from the Mac that were deleted from the iPhone?

How does 1Password's sync function operate? Does it just combine the two platform's entries together? OR does it use the iPhone or Mac as a base and add/delete from the connecting platform?

PLEASE HELP!!! I've been wanting to know this for so long.

1Password Version: 4.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Wi-Fi
Referrer: forum-search:wi-fi sync overwrite


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Sync is bi-directional, so that the latest entry will overwrite the earlier one. In other words, it doesn't matter whether your latest entry is on your iPhone or is on your Mac: sync will still ensure both devices have the latest entry. That applies to deletions too, of course.


  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @karma_user,

    If you want to keep separate vaults on your Mac and your iPhone, you can do so with multiple vaults. You could have just one primary vault on your phone and sync it to a secondary vault on your Mac, if you want to keep things minimal on your phone but still have access to those items from the Mac when necessary.

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