What part do I drag from 1password when item list is on top to create 1click bookmarks?
I'm using 1password 5 on Yosemite with Chrome as my main browser. Although I've done it before long ago, I can't figure out what part of 1password to drag to create 1click bookmarks. Almost nothing in the 1password window seems draggable, and the only part that is draggable, the single-line representation of the login from the list, does not create a bookmark.
After writing the first part of this, I figured out that this problem is limited to when Item View List is set to display at top, rather than to the left. Turns out that when I have the list set to the left, the item from the Item List is draggable, and creates a bookmarklet. But, how does one do it when Item View List is set to top?
Chrome version is 45.0.2454.101, 1password extension installed and working.
1Password Version: 5.3.2 (532001)
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1click
Hi @kmluce,
I was testing this after reading your report and then eventually stumbled upon a bug report detailing this. So it turns out you're not the first to discover this but by the looks of it there aren't a large number of our users that prefer the Top Item List Layout. I've added you post to help highlight that this is still an issue and that we have people that would like to see this fixed/improved. Sadly it seems, for the moment the only known workaround is the one you have already discovered, to switch layouts and then drag and drop. Sorry about that :(
ref: OPM-1338