Feature Request: Create New Email Account Item From Login Item (Gmail/Outlook)
For cloud-based email services most of us probably use 1P to login via the providers website (gmail), which means our email account data is actually an entry as a "login" in 1P and NOT as an "email account".
Request: It would be nice if 1P would let us copy the login item detail of our email web logins to a new email account item in 1Password.
So, when you right click or view the item details of a known email providers login entry (gmail.com, outlook.com, hotmail.com...) we have a button on context menu to "create email account from item" option.
Example workflow:
With a login item such as
name: Google example@gmail.com
username: example@gmail.com
password: *********
website: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=mail
When we click the "create email account from item" button, the login item remains, but the data also gets copied to a new entry as an email account, and if possible, with the auto filled data for some fields of popular services (SMTP, server, port, type)
1Password Version: 5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @cborgia,
I have a slightly different image in my head, let me explain and see what you think. Your contextual menu suggestion is quite specific and its usage may end up being quite limited. After you've used it a couple of times it would become relatively unnecessary, at least I suspect it would. I only think that as the typical person uses a set number number of email accounts and doesn't tend to create new ones on a regular basis. So instead I'd like to split your idea up into the two key parts.
- We do have an existing feature request to allow general category changes and we already have a duplicate command. So if we were to implement the more general request of converting from category x to category y this could be coupled with the duplicate command to achieve the first part. You duplicate a Login item and then convert to the Email Account type. It's a couple of more steps, I can't disagree with that but would it be an acceptable alternative perhaps?
- Separately the idea of populating certain fields of an Email Account item based on the username reminds me of the easy setup feature the likes of Mail and Thunderbird (probably Outlook too but I haven't used it recently) and I'm guessing that's the inspiration? We could have this maybe as a button next to the username field while in edit mode and pressing the button does as you suggest. This could be done independently of 1. but when the two are combined you could, I believe, achieve your desired goal in a more automated way than is currently possible but using more general features.
So that's my thought and I'd love to know what you think. The reason I ask is each feature request is reviewed and evaluated using a number of criteria. I'm thinking that the ability to move from one category to another will allow it to be used in more situations and so be useful to a larger audience. Both of those are good when having to make tough decisions about why one request should be favoured over another which sadly is the reality of any software project. None of this is to say I don't like the idea, the first has a lot of support already and I like the idea of suggesting fields for popular email accounts (I'm pretty sure all clients out there simply use a database of manually collected information).
The only thing I would say though is no matter if we followed your suggestion or my alternative, the two items are quite separate in your vault at the moment - there isn't a way to link them at the hip. That would mean a password would have to be altered in two locations when it is changed. It's for this reason that I use the Email Accounts more as a template, holding all the other information but I leave the username and password in a Login item. So I have a Gmail Email Account item that stores all the settings etc. but I leave the credentials in a Login item so I can log in via a browser. This one is tricky as I genuinely don't know how easy it would be to retrofit the idea if links into a vault that has been designed with distinct items in mind.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing back from you :smile:
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thanks for the thoughtful reply.
- I agree, a contextual menu might not be the right spot for such a feature, esp since, as you suggested, once a user does a few of these they will prob not need to do again for some time.
- The combo of Category Change + duplication could work, but it would be nice if there was indeed some linking going on.. so if a password changes in a login, the password for the email type would change too (or at least you would be prompted).
- Yes the inspiration for auto populate is indeed due to the ease of use in some IMAP email clients that can tell from your email that you are using a popular email service provider and already knows the right smtp and imap settings to use.
- No doubt you get a lot of feature requests, I myself have asked for several over the years, so if you agree with the general concept of what in the request but feel some tweaks would help obtain more buy-in from agilebit devs and stakeholders, by all means, have at it. All I am passionate about is a more refined workflow, and any steps in that direction would be helpful.
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Hi @cborgia,
Thank you for the additional feedback, we really appreciate it! Although I can't make any promises as to if or when our developers would make changes like that, we can certainly let them know about your suggestions. I'm sure that would be helpful for other customers as well!
If you need anything else, please let us know! :)