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Preference to control "Show more" or not

Community Member

If you are reading this, you probably suffer from the same frustration I do with 1P and it's "show # more" items menu option.

I requested 2 years ago on this forum, with positive feedback from Agile Bits devs, this same workflow tweak. Can you guys comment?

trying to minimize all the clicking required to fill in a password, please consider reworking the "Show X more items" list item in 1p mini. i find that i have to expand it A LOT more than I should have to, and i personally would prefer an option to "always expand/show all items"

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OS Version: Not Provided
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  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cborgia,

    This request is still open in our issue tracker and under consideration for the next major update of 1Password for Mac. I'm sorry I don't have an ETA for you, but I assure you we've had many requests for this and we do hope to add it in a future release. Thanks for checking!

    ref: OPM-1480

  • chris_pv
    Community Member

    I second this, this is a big UX problem that should have been designed properly in the first place. Less clicking is better, "show more" is not usually a good solution to the problem.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cborgia & @chris_pv,

    Does your issue concern filling with Login items specifically and do you both intentionally have Lenient URL matching enabled? Why do I ask

    As you can see in this screenshot, this is prior to clicking the Show X more items. I'm not even saying that 20 items is the limit, I just got tired of duplicating an item. What I did was create 22 items, 20 contained the URL and two had just As I'm visiting the Google login page the URL of the page is for the domain and so 1Password (with the Lenient URL matching disabled) shows me all two Login items that correctly match the full domain and hides the two that match the more general URL of just If I enable Lenient URL matching then 1Password shows does oddly show just five items.

    If it's the case that you need Lenient URL matching enabled then you are waiting for a fix to come from us. If you don't need Lenient URL matching though it might be it is causing unnecessary frustration and that disabling it will improve your experience of 1Password mini. I did check out the other thread but it wasn't clear there either if this was covered (or maybe it's just a little late here and I missed it).

    The other place I find it happens is if you like to use the search field in 1Password mini for open and fill.

    I ask just to make sure that the bug report does accurately cover what you're experiencing and that the Lenient URL matching isn't responsible.

  • cborgia
    Community Member


    Regardless of Lenient URL Matching being checked or unchecked, we are affected by this need to "click more than we should have to"

    In my case, I have to click "show 13 more items" or "show 8 more items", by preference would be that I never have to click "show X more items".

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cborgia,

    I suspect that the 8 hidden items in that first image may have different full domains from the rest. It might be this is necessary or it might be it's a remanent from previous site decisions made there (one or twice I've seen site rejigs that include use of different subdomains). If they are all for the same Login page updating the URLs for those 8 might resolve this. Given the frustration ad unhappiness it has caused you so far it seems like it might be worth checking to see if this is the case at all.

    It might be I'm wrong and this won't help but maybe...

    The fact that Lenient URL matching results in fewer items being shown really does seem like a bug - I don't get that.

This discussion has been closed.