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Amazon Radio Button Problem

Community Member

I've reviewed the discussion threads regarding problems with Amazon's new/existing account radio buttons. I've deleted and re-saved logins manually and automatically. I've disabled the animate form filling button under preferences. Still continues to select new customer. Is there a fix for this?


  • eva_s
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @imam299,

    Can you please tell me a little more about what version(s) of 1Password you are using and on what platform? That will help me immensely in making sure I connect you with the correct fix.

    Thank you in advance.

  • imam299
    Community Member

    I'm using 1 Password version 5.3; On the Mac version 10.10.5. I've tried the variety of "ideas" on the site (disabled animate form filling, deleted existing login, manually saving the entry, etc.)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @imam299,

    I am sorry it took me a while to reach your thread and I also wish to apologise that we don't handle radio buttons better than we currently do. Thankfully with Amazon there is a workaround.

    Instead of trying to create a Login item from within the browser, which of course is what we normally recommend you do, I would like you to create a new Login item from within the main 1Password window. This is what I call a basic Login item, one that isn't aware of the page it needs to fill on and this Login item will work on Amazon.

    Once again, I am sorry for this problem but we are aware.

  • imam299
    Community Member

    Perfect! Thanks

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


This discussion has been closed.