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Product Improvement Suggestions

Community Member

It would be very nice if you could select more columns when you use the "View>Item List Layout>Top View" option. I'd like to see the categories and tags, whether the item is favourited or not, etc. This could lead to a feature that would allow you to batch edit 1Password entries. I hope to see this feature in version to come.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Denni: Indeed! I think that most people use the default view, but I'm personally a fan of top view myself. We may be able to add more column and sorting options in the future. Batch editing is an interesting idea too. Thanks for letting us know you'd be interested! :)

  • Denni
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty, I never noticed this new view until yesterday and fell in love with it. I have 583 items in 1P and that view gives me a much better overview of my login items. I look forward to seeing some of those features in the future. 1P is an app that helps me keep my sanity with all the password one needs these days. It's by far the best app of its kind available today! Thanks for responding!

  • @Denni Glad to hear Brenty got things sorted out. Thanks for being such an awesome user of 1Password, and we're glad you're loving it. Feel free to let us know if you need anything else! ;)

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