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Remembering sort order setting

Community Member

Hi all, when using 1Password I generally prefer to view my logins sorted by modified or created date so that I can see what has changed recently, rather than having alphabetical order. However I notice that the sort order is not retained when 1Password is closed and reopened. It goes back to alphabetical. Would it be possible to have it remember the previous sort order and for that to persist between sessions?

Many thanks

1Password Version: 5.3 (530029) Mac App Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.11
Sync Type: Wifi


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @cytotoxic,

    That's odd, I don't see this so I'm wondering if El Capitan is somehow involved as I'm still running Yosemite for the moment. I'm asking a colleague to see if he can replicate :smile:

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cytotoxic,

    So unfortunately my colleague can't replicate either. It might be something specific to your instance. Are you noticing any other issues at all with preferences not being saved or is it just this one thing?

  • cytotoxic
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables,
    I have not noticed any other issues with preferences not being saved. For instance hiding/showing the categories and security audit panes works fine between instances, as does resizing the main window. It is just the sort order I notice isn't being saved.
    Should I try to reinstall 1Password?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @cytotoxic,

    I don't believe re-installing 1Password will help. If we thought there was damage to the actual application then moving one copy of the application to the Trash and downloading a fresh copy would definitely be something to try. I'm assuming it's something to do with this the preferences not being correctly saved.

    Can we try something please.

    1. Launch 1Password and then quit it using the keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q. This will ensure neither 1Password or 1Password mini are running.
    2. Open a Finder window and use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G to open a Go to Folder... window.
    3. In there paste in the following path ~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx/Data/Library/Preferences/ and click the Go button.
    4. You will see a number of files in there. Select the one titled com.agilebits.onepassword-osx.plist and move it to your Desktop.
    5. Launch 1Password again. Don't worry when you see the Awesome! Let's Get Started window - all of your data is safe.
    6. If when you click the Awesome! Let's Get Started it doesn't open the standard 1Password lock screen quit 1Password like you did in step 1. and try again. It took a couple of attempts to get 1Password to create a brand new com.agilebits.onepassword-osx.plist when I tested just now.

    You will have to reconfigure certain user preferences but settings like sync etc. are not affected. What we've done though is keep most of your settings but we have removed the file that stores information about the window and ordering. Does this make any difference at all? Now each category does store it's own ordering but you should find that if you set All Items to sort by Date Modified that it is retained between sessions. I use that one an awful lot myself because of all the testing we do so this bug would drive most of us here nuts too. Hopefully this helps but please do let us know either way :smile:

  • cytotoxic
    Community Member

    Hi again @littlebobbytables,

    I have just completed the steps described, and you are right that the ordering does persist between sessions, but only if the ordering is chosen while in 'Left' 'Item List Layout'.

    If I switch to 'Top' and then reorder the items using one of the column titles there, the setting reverts back to the one chosen while in 'Left' view.

    I should have mentioned that I use the 'Top' view with 1Password earlier, it wasn't until I trashed the plist that it went back to the default 'Left' view which I had forgotten about.

    So to clarify, the sort order is not being saved when changed in 'Top' view, only 'Left' view

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @cytotoxic,

    Okay, that does change the landscape :smile: We do have a bug report about this and although I oddly can't replicate in the Mac App Store version that you're also running the bug report we have says there is a fix being tested in the beta version right now. Fingers crossed it will make it into the next release.

    I know what you mean, it's easy to forget what you tweaked to your preferences until you're confronted with the defaults again :tongue:

    ref: OPM-1286

  • cytotoxic
    Community Member

    Thanks @littlebobbytables, that's great to hear. And thank you for your time investigating this issue, it is much appreciated!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of @littlebobbytables, you're very welcome! If you need anything else, please let us know. :)

  • cytotoxic
    Community Member

    Fixed in the latest Mac App Store update (Version 5.4 540046). Cheers

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know this did resolve it for you @cytotoxic :smile: I hope you enjoy the other improvements in 5.4.

This discussion has been closed.