Multiple Vaults ?

Good evening, I have a full version of One Password. We share a vault accross the company for the production passwords. I would like to use a vault for private passwords. When can I expect to have multiple vaults at the same time under Windows?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Bertrand_GB,

    You can use multiple vaults now, 1Password 4 for Windows supports switching between multiple vaults. You can open the other vaults via the File Menu > Open 1Password Vault and 1Password will keep track of your previously used vaults, so that you can switch back quickly. There's a vault switcher button on the 1Password toolbar and on the extension.

    If you're asking about the ability to use one master password to unlock all vaults and switching between vaults without having to unlock them, this is not possible at the moment and we don't have a timeframe on when this might be happen or if it will.

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    Will 1Pass 5 for Windows definitely have this feature?

  • Hi @Ashkaan,

    1Password 4 for Windows will not receive this feature as it stands now. Adding it would require substantial changes to the way the application handles vaults.

    The new beta version of 1Password for Windows 10, however, understands the concept of primary and secondary vaults and you can unock all of your team vaults and local vault once you've entered the master password of your primary vault.

    I hope this helps!

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    HI @AlexHoffmann,

    I appreciate your writing me. My question may have been too general. I'm wondering if 1Password 5 for Windows will support multiple vault management like in the latest 1Password for Mac. I want to be able to search all of my vaults at once instead of having to swap vaults, input that vault's password, then search, and then move on to the next vault when I don't find what I'm looking for.

    The Windows 10 beta app isn't a good solution because it loses the most important feature of 1Password (inputting login information for the user). That severely crippled version of your app is just a database. Are you planning on turning that product into something that restores 1Password's most prominent feature?

  • The new application is still in beta but we're planning to bring it on par with the Mac version, yes.
    That includes all the features that you're missing right now.

    Good answer? ;)

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    No, not the answer I was hoping for. The app commands a premium price and it's sold with the promise that it has cross platform synchronization. As of this writing, it does not. Windows users have to choose between having only access to the password database without browser integration or not having the critical search function when looking for a password.

    When do you think the beta version will be able to fill passwords?

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    Sorry, I think my post was a little harsh. I just want to be clear that I LOVE the app and I feel strongly about this because it affects me daily. The work that you guys have done on the Mac app is unbelievable. Please keep it up.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    No, not the answer I was hoping for. The app commands a premium price and it's sold with the promise that it has cross platform synchronization. As of this writing, it does not.

    @Ashkaan: Both the 1Password for Windows desktop app and the 1Password for Windows 10 beta app support cross-platform sync.

    Windows users have to choose between having only access to the password database without browser integration or not having the critical search function when looking for a password.

    That isn't our intent, but as you can imagine, we're in the same boat and wish we could have it all too! Unfortunately we're not there yet. There's a lot of work to do, and it's going to take time, but in the end it will be worth it for all of us. I'm only sorry that we can't get where we're going faster, but we want to take the time to do it right.

    When do you think the beta version will be able to fill passwords?

    It can fill them now in the 1Password for Windows 10 beta app using the built-in browser. Just click the "globe" icon. I just used it to login to my (generally problematic) bank website. It's also actually the only way to fill logins using Edge still, since Microsoft hasn't released information on developing extensions for it.

    As for integrating with external browsers, that isn't possible at this time but it's something we'd like to do in the future. Unfortunately there isn't a date I can give you for when that might come to pass, but it's something we're working toward. But as with anything, until it's ready, it isn't a sure thing.

    Sorry, I think my post was a little harsh. I just want to be clear that I LOVE the app and I feel strongly about this because it affects me daily. The work that you guys have done on the Mac app is unbelievable. Please keep it up.

    Hey, we understand completely, and appreciate your passion! After all, we love 1Password too, and believe me: we're bothered by much more "minor" deficiencies than the all-important browser filling. Thank you for your support, and for pushing us to work harder to make all of our 1Password dreams a reality! :chuffed:

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    I can't even log into my vault with the Beta.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Ashkaan,

    That means the password is incorrect, are you using the password specifically for that vault to unlock it? Did you recently change the password for that vault in other 1Password apps?

  • Ashkaan
    Community Member

    It's the correct password. I even put my password in a text editor, copied, and then pasted into the regular Windows app and the Beta app at the same time to make sure that I'm not crazy. The regular app opens fine and the Beta does not.

  • Hi @ashkeen,

    Is this a local folder you're opening up or is it being sync'ed via Dropbox?

    Could you email us your 1Password diagnostics report from the regular app and we'll take a look to see if there's anything strange about your vault in the regular app that might be confusing to the beta app.

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Hi @Ashkaan,

    Our apologies, there was an update to the 1Password Beta for Windows 10 app that I didn't get and it looks like the latest beta build has broken the support for Agile Keychain vaults, so it won't unlock it. We're working on fixing it as soon as possible.

This discussion has been closed.