Generated Passwords

Community Member
edited October 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I decided to change one of my bank passwords and instead of making one up I opted to use the password generator. However, having gone through the usual steps of
Old Password
New Password
Confirm new Password
Confirmation password changed.
I decided to check by logging out and using 1Password to log back in


Error message: "ID or password not in correct format"

I went back into 1Password and copied the username to the clipboard, entered it on the bank login screen, checked it, returned to 1Password and copied the password to the clipboard and pasted it into the login screen.

Same failure

At this point I was locked out of my bank accounts and so I had to go through the bank's lost password process which I did using a simple password.

I then went back and tried the whole thing again using 1Password and the password generator.

Identical failure and error message

Tried it a third time

Identical failure and error message

Finally changed my bank login using a self generated password which I then copied into 1Password.

Works perfectly.

Any thoughts as to what is happening?

Incidentally as a side effect I was locked out of my bank accounts and had to contact the fraud department of the bank. It turned out that multiple changes of password within a short period of time triggers alarm bells in the bank!

1Password Version: 4.6.0.Beta 588
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Generated Passwords


  • Hi @Andrew42,

    That's terrible! We're really sorry about the troubles this has caused you.
    We have a couple of ideas as to what might be going on here.

    The most likely ones are:

    1. The bank's password field accepts passwords that aren't actually supported by their system, having caused you to generate a secure password that ended up being incompatible.
    2. The password requirements don't match with what's actually supported.
    3. The banking site has technologies in place that prevent the usage of a password manager or prevent copying and pasting into the password field.
    4. 1Password has issues filling on this particular site.
    5. There's is software present on your PC that interferes with text input in some way.

    Now, I want to be clear that we don't know which of these potential causes is actually in play here but we will find out.

    As a first step, could you please tell us the website of the bank? We can maybe run a couple of tests.
    Furthermore: which anti-malware software are you using? Do you have any particular security software installed?


  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thank you for getting back so quickly. The URL is I have attached a screen shot of the Password Change process. It in you will see that that URL morphs into plus other stuff. The shot also contains the rules for passwords. I think the password I was trying to use as generated by 1Password was zgEs2cNwV4zuhkGX. Now I look at it more carefully I think I exceeded the limit of 15 characters and that is probably at the root of my problem. If that is the case I apologise for troubling you. Put it down to a mixture of senility, blindness and an inability to count. If you cannot come up with any other thoughts I will try again and limit the sequence to about a dozen characters and let you know how I get on.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Sorry I should have added that my anti-malware software are Malwarebytes, ESET and also HideAway

  • I've taken a closer look at the site and tried saving the login information, which worked as expected.
    The issue might've been the password length. So you might be right there. Still, no need to apologise, we're here to help.

    That being said, I'm curious whether you also use 1Password in browsers other than Internet Explorer.
    If you do and 1Password doesn't seem to work as it should (in Firefox or Chrome), ESET might be interfering there.
    In that case, please consult the knowledge base article 'Configuring ESET NOD32 Antivirus' for help.

    Oh and what is HideAway? I've never heard of this software before.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for your help. To answer your questions, I only use IE at the moment. HideAway is software from Firetrust makers of Malwarebytes. It is a form of VPN to confuse the ungodly: works well as it lets the user configure rules for certain sites and processes.

    I'll try resetting my bank password with less characters and see what happens.

  • Thanks for the information, @Andrew42 and please try. Remember that we're always here to help.

  • jarmorin
    Community Member

    Hi, I have had a similar issue with my Bank. When I generate a new password, I am not able to "paste" the password in the "confirm new password" space. I can paste into the "new password" field but not the "confirm". So I don't see how to use the "generate password" option. Thanks!

  • Hi @jarmorin,

    That sounds like the bank site has disabled the ability to paste the password in the second field to force you to type the password in, that's not something we can bypass.

    What you can do in this situation after you generated the password is open the main 1Password app, go to the Generated Password category on the sidebar (go to View Menu > Generated Password to enable this), and select the most recent entry for your bank site. There, you can see the password it generated and you can type it in manually. If the password is concealed, click on the lock icon next to the password field to reveal it.

  • jarmorin
    Community Member

    Thank you! I will give this a try. Also noticed the same behavior with my credit card vendor.

  • If you don't mind sharing it here in the public thread what bank or credit card sites you're using, we'll check them out.

    If you want to share it privately, you can email us at with the link to this thread included, so we can connect the dots.

This discussion has been closed.