Feature Request: Visual lock status on the menu bar icon

Community Member
edited October 2015 in Mac

Can you please implement visual lock status on the menu bar icon?
I find myself checking if the app is locked.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @comic_sans,

    Thanks for taking the time to send us your suggestion! Although I can't promise our developers will add that, I can certainly forward your request to them. I can see how that would come in handy!

    For now, in case it helps (and if you weren't already aware), you can make sure 1Password is locked by using the ^⌥⌘L ( Control+Option+Command+L ) keyboard shortcut. That should work from anywhere on your Mac. If 1Password is unlocked, that shortcut will lock it.

    Or if you're simply curious about whether or not 1Password is locked/unlocked, you can use the ⌥⌘\ ( Option+Command+\ ) keyboard shortcut to view 1Password mini. Again, that shortcut should work from any app, and you'll see if 1Password is currently locked or unlocked.

    Thanks again for your feature request! If you need anything else, please let us know. :)

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