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1password doesn't enter login information in Safari

Community Member

Hello guys,
just updated to 5.4 and 10.11.1 Beta (15B30a). Safari extension is 4.5.0.b2. 1password doesn't enter web site login information (username/password) into proper fields in Safari. It works in Chrome correctly. It looks like it cannot find proper entry in the list and even when I search for it, and select correct one, it's not entered into the fields.

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: 4.5.0.b2
OS Version: 10.11.1 Beta (15B30a)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • robertcerny
    Community Member

    a message from the log:

    Oct 16 12:49:13 rMBP[478]: 540047 [EXT:(Main Thread):<OP4SafariExtensionCompanionClient: 0x7fc7db904840>] E sendReplyAction:payload: | Error sending message to Safari Companion as reply pool is empty

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @robertcerny,

    I know that if you close Safari for a couple of seconds and then re-open it that the extension will kick back into life. What I am interested in is what might have caused this. Could you send us a diagnostic report please as I'd like to check out the logs.

    I would like you to create a Diagnostic Report please. This guide will assist.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums

    The email address you will want to use is and can you mark it for the attention of LittleBobbyTables please. That way somebody will notify me. If you can think of anything you were doing beforehand that would great, did it seem to happen after the Mac can out of sleep for example?

    Once you've sent the report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. With access to the report we should be able to better assist you :smile:

  • robertcerny
    Community Member

    I was further investigating the issue and uninstalled Safari extension 4.5.0b2 before I got your reply. I also installed the latest non-beta extension which appears to work correctly. As far as I got your email I tried to install beta version of extension again, but now it says "An error occurred while installing the extension “1Password (beta)”." I don't know how to proceed to provide you logs you requested.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @robertcerny,

    If you're simply happy that you have a working extension again and would rather not muck about I will happily understand as after all, as a user you want to be able to use 1Password rather than fight with it.

    If you're more of the inclination that you'd like to see us get these reports and don't mind rolling up your sleeves then it's about trying to understand why Safari is saying an error occurred. The first thing I would check (if you haven't already) is to see if Safari reports the same error after you restart Safari. As you can imagine, we're constantly installing and uninstalling extensions and our developers have been caught out numerous times by various browser quirks. When I'm testing this sort of thing now I often uninstall the extension, close and restart Safari and then install the version I want as all the browsers can get tetchy if you're jumping between versions too much and something is lying around in the cache.

    If you're more the former and are just happy the extension is working once more please feel free to ignore this message (I certainly won't take any offence) and instead just visit the forums the next time you have a question, issue or just interested in a browse :smile:

This discussion has been closed.