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Cannot create a new account?

Community Member

Hey there,

I am using 1password again after 2 years and have forgotten my MasterPassword. I'm fine opening a new account or whatever, I've tried these steps:

But every time I open up 1Password it continue to ask me for the password?

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:forgot, kb:forgot-master-password, kb:starting-over, kb:check-app-version, kb:starting-over


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Those directions should work. I've used them myself. Be sure to follow them exactly, including being sure both the main application and mini are closed. Also, notice that there are two sets of directions, which depend on whether you have the version from AgileBits or the Mac App Store. If there is some chance that you've ever had both versions on your system, follow both sets to be sure all your data are really removed.

    You should be presented with the screen for a new user after you do that.

  • brad1
    Community Member

    Running both did the trick, I kept missing the same step.. Thanks so much.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @brad1 - Good news! You're welcome.

  • @brad1 - I'm so glad @hawkmoth was able to help you start over with 1Password.

This discussion has been closed.