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Dropbox syncing issue

Community Member
edited October 2015 in Mac

Hello Adam at Agilebits (aka Bobbie Tables):

I just downloaded version 4 pt whatever for my iMac with Mountain Lion.

I came across your excellent response to a syncing issue.

Mine is more simple but I'm still stuck!

I have been running 1PW 3.8.22 (the latest version) and think I have corrupted my
1password.agilekeychain file when trying to move my Dropbox folder to an external hard drive

  • I had moved the Dropbox folder to an external drive
    when I upgraded to DropBox Pro that gives me 1TB of storage.

After being frustrated by the slow uploads and the inconvenience of dealing with an external
drive to store my Dropbox folder, I have now moved the Dropbox folder BACK to my desktop, using the regular
protocol to do so.

But at this point I'm not getting any syncing taking place.

Your comment mentioned deleting the 1password.agilekeychain and starting
over again with syncing and a new file would be created.

I did this but nothing is happening.

By the way, I have also installed 1PW 4 - which I just downloaded from your site.
And there is no pricing in your store
for the version 4 for Mac - Mountain Lion - why did they only give you an option
to buy 5? 5 doesn't work for Mountain Lion.

Anyway, please help me get this sorted out in making the syncing work via dropbox


1Password Version: 4 for mac
Extension Version: 4
OS Version: Mtn Lion 10.8.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @momomentous,

    Apologies for the delay in responding, the forums are buzzing with queries at the moment!

    Let's get the easy bit of the question out of the way first. A 1Password 5 licence will entitle you to run 1Password 5 but if needed it also licences you to run the older versions too. Should you update at some point in the future and can then run 1Password 5 you still have a valid licence and can update at that point. So if you purchase a 1Password 5 licence that will cover you.

    Now to the trickier part.

    I'd like to ask a couple of questions if I may, just to make sure I fully understand the situation.

    1. So you have 1Password 3 and 1Password 4 on the same Mac, is that correct?
    2. Does 1Password 4 have what looks like an up-to-date vault?
    3. When you say you started over was it with 1Password 3 or 1Password 4?
    4. Do you still have the possibly corrupted Agile Keychain that you were moving from Dropbox?
    5. Do you have other machines or devices that you want to sync to?

    So these questions will help us build up a nice solid visual of your situation and then we can tailor the steps specific to your requirements. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread so the forums will notify me when you reply. I would hope we can get things going again without too much fuss :smile:

  • momomentous
    Community Member

    Hi Adam - I appreciate the quick response - just got back after being on the road all day and got your message. Thanks for clarification on pricing - you are a good communicator - but hey you should have your marketing/web design people make this pricing for 1PW 4 for Mac more clear, don't you think?

    Anyway, yes, I think the problem is at the level of Dropbox right now. I must have corrupted the connection - below is the instructions I got from tech support at Dropbox to resolve the sync problems - it involves getting into Terminal. Once one has to resort to Terminal, obviously there is a root corruption issue that can't be fixed just by reinstalling Dropbox.

    So.... I will over the weekend deal with the Dropbox sync isssue then take steps to re-establishing an agile keychain that gets stored in Dropbox. By the way, the syncing with Dropbox has worked FANTASTICALLY up until this point. I've decided to abandon my plan to use a Pro Account with Dropbox as essentially a cloud backup for one of my rotating (one home one offsite) 4TB drives. I've therefore moved the Dropbox folder BACK to my desktop. My HD on my iMac in 650gb and I store a lot of working files on external drives so my use of Dropbox will not be as ambitious. In fact, I might even drop the $10 per month Dropbox Pro account with I just started to try about a week ago. Or I might keep it - we'll see....

    To answer your question: Yes I now have 1PW 3 and 4 installed and yes the vault on my iMac is up to date. I just can't sync to Dropbox at all nor sync 1PW via the keychain stored on Dropbox.

    I can right now actually use either 1PW 3 or 4 if I want to. I have not yet deleted 1PW 3 - 1PW 4 is on 30 day "trial." (they are labeled 1Password 3 and 1Password 4 in my applications folder to keep them separate). The interface with 1PW 4 looks great and I like its ease of use and a few subtle improvements compared to 1PW3 though to be honest I have not used all the new features - but I do rely on 1PW and love the program and will be buying it soon now that I know what the price is.

    To answer other question: no I am not syncing with any other machine. I use the Dropbox to remotely log in to my 1PW account through Dropbox online when I need to grab a password when I am at work on a Windows machine - but I have no desire right now to fully sync 1PW with another other computers except my iMac at home. That is the plan right now. No iPhone, no laptop no other kind of syncing right at this point.

    And yes I still have the agile keychain that I am keeping. Perhaps I'll be able to re-use it or at least rather than start over once the Dropbox sync is working.

    I realize this is probably TMI at this point - I'm including the most recent instructions from Dropbox to fix using Terminal. By the way, I hate Dropbox's tech support - response is super slow and I need to bug them and email communication is a pain in the ass - it could be handled so much better and faster over the phone. Zendesk is a cheapshit way to go in my opinion. Maybe that is the way of the world but this is another reason I want to have MINIMAL contact with dropbox once the 1PW syncing is fixed. Below is the communication from Mario at Dropbox. If you would just keep this in a pending file for momomentous and I'll follow up hopefully early next week with the glowing report that all is working great. ~ momomentous

    =============== start of communication from Dropbox

    Oct 16, 2:53 PM:
    Hi _______
    Thanks for writing back to me.

    I understand your frustration with this on-going issue and the time it takes for you to get a reply.

    I'm sorry that we are losing you as a valued customer. I just want you to know that we take every single issue that our customers might have at heart and we always strive to provide with the best solution.

    To ensure that the software is working correctly, I’d like to recommend you to do a complete reinstall to try to fix the issue. This will not affect or remove the files in your Dropbox folder.

    Please save and quit all programs accessing files in the Dropbox folder, and then follow these instructions:

    Note: Please be sure to take note or take a screenshot of any Selective Sync settings you may have applied prior to re-installing in case you need to re-apply these settings upon re-install.

    1. Stop Dropbox (If needed):
    • Click the Dropbox icon in the menu bar at the top of your screen
    • Click on the gear icon in the Notifications panel and select 'Quit Dropbox'
    1. Download the newest version:

    1. Open your Terminal app (Located at /Applications/Utilities/Terminal)

    2. Copy and paste the following lines into the Terminal, ONE AT A TIME, and press ENTER after each one. PLEASE make sure you copy and paste these commands (don't type them by hand), as getting them wrong could cause some harm. You'll be prompted for your computer's admin password (not your Dropbox password) after entering the first command. Keep in mind that the password field in the terminal will remain blank as you type your password. After you type it, just press ENTER. You'll know that these instructions complete normally once the initial line of text (called prompt) comes up again:

    sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME"

    sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox

    sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox

    sudo mv ~/.dropbox ~/.Trash/dropbox.old

    sudo chmod -N ~

    sudo mv /Library/DropboxHelperTools ~/DropboxHelperTools.old

    Please note that once the prompt displays, the instruction completed the requested task, and is ready for the next command. If the command returns an error, or does not respond after an hour, you may want to try restarting your computer and try these steps again.

    1. Open the .dmg file from step # 2 and double click the Dropbox icon to install Dropbox.

    2. Restart Dropbox from the Applications folder, then please sign in and apply any Selective Sync settings you may have had prior to the reinstall during the sign in process. Your account will take a few moments to reindex the files and sync any pending changes.

    I hope this information helps.

    =============== end of communication from Dropbox

  • momomentous
    Community Member

    Adam - OK - the Dropbox sync is working now - ie the sync between my desktop Dropbox folder and cloud Dropbox account - but the agilekeychain is not syncing. I did create a new keychain after installing a new copy of the Dropbox app after deleting the Dropbox app twice with Terminal followed by AppZapper to get rid of all preferences etc. Anyway, what do I do now? I followed instructions from 1PW on making sure permissions to read and write were enabled - I waited for dropbox to sync - which took zero time, etc. So now what? Thanks - ps I tested the keychain by going to my dropbox account online )- and by the way the agile keychain DID get installed when I went into prefs in 1PW to set up the dropbox sync etc....) I doubled clicked on the html link and it called up the 1PW folder - I get the warning message (jpeg attached) and when I entered password I got the error message telling me to go to 1PW help page - where I went, followed instructions, etc. Still not working. Thanks - error msg attached

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @momomentous,

    Now I know we did have a blip between Dropbox and 1PasswordAnywhere but I just tested Safari and Chrome before beginning this post. Both worked so it would seem it's down to you and I to try and figure out why you're seeing this error.

    So if I've read your post correctly this Agile Keychain is one created by 1Password 4 when you set up Dropbox sync in 1Password's preferences and before you tested it the Dropbox service was indicating that your Dropbox folder was completely in sync with Dropbox's servers? I can see one possible area of confusion so I'll just clarify now. In the Sync tab or 1Password 4's preferences you will a Last synced timestamp. Now this is separate from Dropbox needing to sync, this timestamp is when did we last update the internal vault with the Agile Keychain that this vault is now connected to. This part of the sync is usually really fast because all we're doing is reading and writing to disk. What happens after we've finished reading and writing to disk is the Dropbox service then has to sync all of those changes from the local Dropbox folder back to their server. Dropbox do have a KB article to show what the various icons mean and that article can be found at How do I know when Dropbox is syncing?

    If you were fast enough it is possible Dropbox hadn't finished syncing the entire new Agile Keychain back to the Dropbox server when you asked to load the 1Password.html. If this were true, and given the period of time between your post and my reply just now (sorry for the length of time by the way) I would expect you would be able to now successfully access 1PasswordAnywhere despite the error message from before. If the error message is still present then we're looking at something else.

    What we'll do if you're happy is I'll wait to hear if the Agile Keychain was created by 1Password 4 and if you're still having trouble accessing 1PasswordAnywhere from Chrome.

    I've just thought of a couple more questions that may be pertinent. Do you use any extensions in Chrome that try to block stuff or are you working in an Incognito window?

    Hopefully it won't take too long to get this working :smile:

  • momomentous
    Community Member

    Hi Adam - Dropbox is syncing fine with files I add to both my dropbox desktop folder (syncs with cloud account) and when I add files to cloud account (syncs to desktop folder). However the 1PW agilebits keychain is still not syncing with dropbox, though when I checked pref's it said that last sync was 4 hours ago. There is no "syncing in process". When I got to my cloud dropbox account and click the agile keychain folder and click the html tab, I get the same error message I sent you. I'm going to go ahead and delete the agile keychain and start over again to build a new one and see if that works - can't hurt I figure since the current keychain must be corrupted or something it appears. thanks for your help

  • momomentous
    Community Member

    Adam - I'm not seeing a clear path in your discussion forums for how to set up the agile keychain in dropbox "from scratch"

    Can you give me instructions or send me the correct link. Sounds like some people have had problems between 3 and 4.

    I'm going to hold off trying this on my own until I hear back from you - thanks

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @momomentous: Sorry for the confusion! Just follow the steps in our guide to setup 1Password to store your AgileKeychain in Dropbox:

    Dropbox Sync setup (Mac)

    And be sure to let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

This discussion has been closed.