Have Pro on iphone/ipad. PC now windows. Do I pay for another Pro to link them?

I use the Pro all the time on my iphone and ipad... I also did on my mac but have moved to a windows PC. I want access to my Pro acct on the PC. Do I need to buy a Pro version for Windows or will my existing acct on iPhone extend to the windows version?


  • Hi @YHenrichsen,

    You would need to purchase a Windows license if you want to use 1Password on Windows but you won't pay the full price if you purchased the Mac license as we will give you a discount to match the Mac+Windows license price.

    Please email us your purchase information at support+licenses@agilebits.com and we will explain how to get the discount.

  • YHenrichsen
    Community Member

    New problem. While I was texting with you, my husband bought me a copy of the program online10/16/15 (I have the order #). I downloaded it and installed it but it will not let me use my password and keeps trying to lock me out of every program unless I know the password it has chosen. How do I get this changed to my password and registered to my name so I can interact with my iphone/ipad version of the software?

  • @YHenrichson - It sounds like you may not be opening the correct 1Password Vault. Are you using Dropbox to sync your 1Password data? If yes, can you check the location of your 1Password vault in 1Password on your Mac as follows -

    Run 1Password on Mac.
    Click on 1Password in very top menu bar and select Preferences.
    Select the sync tab and you will see the location of your 1Password vault in Dropbox.

    Run 1Password on Windows PC.
    From the lock screen, click on File > Open 1Password Vault and select this same vault.

    Please let us know if this helps.

  • YHenrichsen
    Community Member

    I no longer own a MAC. I do have 1password on my iphone. and I do back up my files to Dropbox. My iPhone version says I have only 1 vault. it does say I can sync an additional vault...
    Drop box shows 1password.agilekeychain.
    The new Windows version is the one my husband bought for me and I installed it but it locked me out and keeps locking me out on every program I open requiring a password that it will not accept. I am going to uninstall it and reinstall. Maybe that will help.

  • YHenrichsen
    Community Member

    I tried completely removing the program completely from the computer (uninstall and deleting the folders) and reinstalling it but it still comes up and says my 1vault on dropbox is locked but won't accept my password.

    Can someone at the company help me reset the program to the matching password so I can use the program? If not, I will have to forget using with it windows and pursue a refund.

  • Hi @YHenrichsen,

    Reinstalling the program does not remove the data as your 1Password data is stored outside of the program files.

    Do not do anything on your own without our instructions, you could also cause your iOS device to lose the data if you try to remove the data since it is syncing via Dropbox.

    The first thing to do is send us your diagnostic reports from both the PC and your iPhone, so we can figure out what's happening. This guide will explain how to do it for both the PC and the iPhone: https://support.1password.com/diagnostics

    Email them to us at support+windows@agilebits.com with your forum username, so we can connect both emails to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the emails.

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