Can't restore/sync agilekeychain made on Mac stored on Dopbox.

I just bought 1Password for Windows. I installed and signed into Dropbox thinking I could direct 1Password to my keychain there and use it. This doesn't seem to be the case. Is there a way to utilize my agilekeychain file made on OS X that I have syncing over Dropbox already with iOS on Windows? The documentation regarding sync isn't answering my question.


1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:access agilekeychain from Mac on Dropbox


  • Hi @OldCastle,

    1Password for Windows does support syncing with .agilekeychain folder stored in your Dropbox folder. We also have an automatic check upon the first launch to detect these folders in Dropbox.

    Can you explain a bit more on what you're seeing when you open 1Password on PC, is it showing the welcome tour with 3 options?

    Can you tell me where you downloaded Dropbox from? Did you download it from the or from the Windows store? If the latter, you have to download the regular desktop program from and install that one. Once it is done syncing, open 1Password, it should automatically detect your data in Dropbox.

  • Oldcastle
    Community Member

    Thanks, @MikeT. I bought 1Password 4 from the agilebits website. At this point when I open 1Password 4 I'm presented with the normal masterpass screen. Dopbox is done syncing (it was before I made this post). I installed 1Password 4 prior to installing Dropbox which may be where things got fouled up. I know what screen you're talking about regarding the "three options," but I'm not getting them anymore. I re-installed the application to see if it would come back but it didn't. I suspect Windows didn't delete the required files to send me back to that window. Is there anything else you need to know or that I can try?


  • Hi @Oldcastle,

    That sounds like you're all set to go, go ahead and unlock with the master password that you use on iOS and Mac, that should get you back in.

    1Password has found the data folder in Dropbox and automatically loaded it for you, thus you won't get the welcome tour anymore because you're an existing 1Password user with data on the drive.

  • Oldcastle
    Community Member

    Well, whatd'ya know!? That was too easy. I expected to have to link it manually. Thanks, @MikeT.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2015

    You're welcome!

    As long as you install Dropbox first and wait for it to finish its sync before opening 1Password, it should automatically find your data and show you the master password view on all future computers.

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