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Social Security section

Community Member

My husband and son's #'s are being overwritten by my others son's # and my daughter's #. So, I have 2 of 1 son and 2 of my daughter. I changed it back to my husband and older son's, but this morning there were 2 of my younger son and 2 of my daughter again. Please help. And yes, I hit save :).

Wendy :)

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: 4.4.4
OS Version: 10.11
Sync Type: wifi
Referrer: forum-search:In my social security numbers, 2 of the #'s are being overwritten by others


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wendykay77,

    That certainly shouldn't be happening so let's see if we can figure out why.

    When you edit the item to contain the correct data does it seem to save and hold onto the data (at least temporarily)?

    If it does then my number one suspect would be a device that is syncing over Wi-Fi. I don't know why it should be but it would seem possible that it is overwriting the newer data with older values.

    Can we try the following please. Edit the items and save. Then let only one iOS device sync at a time, watching these items to see if they change. Do the items revert to their previous values after a particular iOS device has completed a sync?

    It might not be this but it would seem a reasonable place to start and see if we can narrow down the cause.

  • wendykay77
    Community Member

    Good morning,

    Yes, when I edit them, they appear to save correctly. Interestingly, I checked my phone, and all the numbers are saved in there (I now have 7 of them-instead of 5) except for the original 2 (my husband and son's-which is really weird). So, the original are still missing, but the 2 new ones that I just put back in, and the 2 extra of my younger son and daughter are in there. I know that because I couldn't remember my older son's full number so I only put in the first 3 digits.

    I only have 1 iOS device here (my phone), but I didn't sync it. I will try what you suggest and let you know.

    I sure hope this is making sense to you :)

    PS I just found my son's correct SS#, so I put it in there and now I will sync my phone. I'll let you know.

    Thank you,
    Wendy :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wendykay77,

    I'm very sorry you've been having a problem with those items in 1Password! I'm glad you were able to find a copy of your son's correct SSN. If you weren't able to find that, I would have suggested making a new backup of your current data, restoring from a backup that would have had the correct number and saving a copy of that number somewhere, then restoring the newer backup and entering the correct number.

    Hopefully the problem doesn't happen again, but if it does, please let us know and we'll be happy to help further with that. Thanks! :)

  • wendykay77
    Community Member

    Thank you so much for your help! I'm happy it hasn't happened again....I'm sure it was just a fluke. They're electronics, after all :).

    Have a great day,
    Wendy :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Electronics sure do have a strange sense of humor sometimes, don't they? :lol:

    I'm really glad to hear the problem hasn't happened again! But if it does, or if you need anything else, we're here for you. :)

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