Switching vaults in Windows client requires password (in Mac it doesn't)

Victor Boctor
Victor Boctor
Community Member
edited October 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

In the Mac version of the client, I can switch easily between the 3 vaults I have without having to re-enter passwords. I just unlock 1Password with the password of my primary vault and I can easily switch without any trouble. On the Windows extension, I have to type in the password with every switch. This is very inconvenient.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @Victor Boctor - 1Password on Mac and 1Password on Windows handle multiple vaults differently. 1Password for Windows does not include the concept of primary and secondary vaults, so each vault is locked and unlocked separately. In 1Password for Mac unlocking your primary vault will grant access to all vaults.

    1Password on Mac and iOS has a central database file that keeps all of your vaults and enables it to unlock all vaults at once via the primary master vault.

  • Victor Boctor
    Victor Boctor
    Community Member

    @LauraR my feedback is that the Mac / iOS version is much easier to use. I was providing a vote to have Windows work in the same way. Currently, if I was a Windows only user, I feel that 1Password for Windows won't be my tool of choice. I'm using it because I'm also using Mac and iOS. I think there can be few improvements to make the Windows version a great app as well.

    So consider this a feature request.

  • @Victor Boctor - we continue to work toward more consistency across the 1Password family of products. Many people have told us they wish the Mac treated vaults in the way that the PC does, so the jury is still out on this one. Thanks for your vote :)

  • Victor Boctor
    Victor Boctor
    Community Member

    I wonder then if this should be a preference. Should there be a single password in the keychain or of the primary vault that is used to unlock all vaults or should each switch require a password. That is like having a preference about the number of seconds after which 1Password should lock and you have to re-enter your password. Different people will have different threshold based on the environment in which they use your computer, etc.

    In my scenario, I have 3 vaults. My personal/primary one, my family one, and my business one. The latter two are shared with other users. From my perspective I consider them all the same except from the sharing aspect. Hence, it makes sense for me to unlock them together. Otherwise, the friction is high enough for me to want to copy secrets from the secondary vaults to the primary ones just to avoid re-entering passwords with each switch.

    It would even be convenient that when I visit a site that is not in my current selected vault, but in a secondary one, then I'm given the option to use that credential without necessarily having to switch. The suggestion can be made clear that this is coming from another vault.

    With the above changes, use of multiple vaults will be so much better. Such support was one of the reasons I chose 1Password over lastpass, so let's make it great!

  • Hi @Victor Boctor,

    I wonder then if this should be a preference. Should there be a single password in the keychain or of the primary vault that is used to unlock all vaults or should each switch require a password. That is like having a preference about the number of seconds after which 1Password should lock and you have to re-enter your password. Different people will have different threshold based on the environment in which they use your computer, etc.

    We are looking into this flexible multiple vault management but it is not as easy as it sounds. The reason Mac and iOS does this is because we've changed how 1Password works on these platforms to manage everything in a single database file. Our Windows version has not gone through this transformation, it reads and writes to your vaults directly and individually, it is not managed by a single database.

    We do have plans to simplify 1Password on Windows but it will take time. Many of us feel the same as you, we would 1Password on Windows to be as easy to use as it is on OS X.

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