I am close to throwing in the towel. I want to make this work. Yesterday I spent 6 hours with anothe

Community Member

I am slightly Dyslexic and this is not easy. I spent 6 hours trying to sign on with another company before cancelling yesterday. I am not sure what stage I am with you...or where to go next. Be honest if you think this is going to be too difficult please tell me.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:how do I ask you guys a question?



  • jonatha
    Community Member

    OK...posted an hour ago... Can I help you to help me?

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Assuming you got 1PW direct from AgileBits, you have a trial version that you can play with as much as you want for thirty days.

    My guess is that you might have some difficulty choosing a master password that is long enough to be secure but easy enough for you to fill in, but that otherwise things should be ok.

    The great advantage of 1PW (and other password managers) is that you can let it create passwords and you never have to type them. The master password can be set so you only need to type it once every startup.

    Moving passwords over, if you already have a bunch, could be difficult, but there are converters that might make it easy, depends on what you have stored.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @jonatha,

    Sorry for the delay in responding. We're seeing a number of queries right now and it is taking us a bit longer than we like to make sure we help every person that is waiting for assistance.

    We will happily work with you to try and solve any issue or answer any question but at the moment the request for assistance is quite general.

    Here is a link to the guide for 1Password 5 for Mac. This is quite a general response but if we can understand a bit more what you've tried to do so far it could very well help us understand the difficulties you're experiencing.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Danco says the "Master Password" can be set so you only need to type it once every start up. Do you mean once I have entered it for instance, say for Amazon, I can then go to 'My Bank' without unlocking the padlock and putting in my Master Password and later another site? Is this true? Does 'once every start up' mean once every day as long as the Lap Top is open? Please keep your answer simple and please do not assume I understand jargon. Now that's a challenge!
    With thanks Jon

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    "Once every startup" means what it says, the password is needed each time the computer is started. Closing the lid of the laptop does not shut it down, it only puts the computer to sleep, and opening the laptop just wakes it up, it does not amount to a restart. Many people may want to shut their computer down every night, in which case it is a new startup in the morning, but I simply put the machine to sleep. The situation is similar to that with TVs, PVRs and the like, where you can switch off the machine completely, but people very often don't switch off but just keep it in standby.

    I believe your description of the situation is correct, but the way I use it is slightly different. I unlock 1PW either in the main 1PW program or in 1PW mini (the item that shows in the main menu bar at the top of the screen), but I think unlocking from the 1PW icon in the toolbar of your browser (the bar that has traffic lights at its left) works just as well.

    And if you want to adjust the lock settings, look in 1PW's Preferences, the Security tab, and choose the auto-lock settings that suit you. As nobody else has access to my computer I keep all those settings unchecked.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jonatha,

    I think that Danco’s given you a pretty great response here, but if there’s anything you would like more clarification on, please let us know, we’d be happy to help!

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    You guys have lost me a bit here, I'm not sure where to find the 1PW programme, however ignoring that for a moment, I am still uncertain what should happen when I go to an address and it is asking for an e-mail and password. At this point I unlock and fill in my MPW....now are you saying I can bye-pass this MPW signing in process, providing I haven't shut down only closed overnight? What do I put in the blank e-mail and PW slots. How do I open up the page? Do you understand where I maybe coming from?

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Can you read what I have written above or should I have written it here?

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    1Password is in Applications folder. In a Finder window, you should see Applications in the sidebar.
    Select 1Password
    Drag 1Password to the Dock. ( this is usually at the bottom of the window). When you drag an app, it sticks in the Dock so it's easy to find again.
    Open 1Password. You will be asked for the master password to unlock. Enter your master password you selected.
    Next under 1Password in the top Menu bar, select Preferences.
    Under Security tab you can select how long 1Password will stay open without requiring the master password to access your data. If you are in a secure environment, you can uncheck all the Auto-lock options.

    Have you installed the browser extensions?

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Yes I have installed the extensions browser, however I do not understand what you are talking about. I do not see what it has to do with my query. It seems like it is the answer to somebody else's question.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Is it possible Danco could look at this exchange?

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    You asked "I'm not sure where to find the 1PW programme, "

    I simply answered your question.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Well, I'm only a user, not an AgileBits staff member, but an experienced user.

    I confess I don't understand some of your questions, it is sometimes hard for those who like computers to understand those who don't like them, but I will try.

    The FIRST time you go to a site you will have to fill in the user name (which may be an email address but need not be) and password manually. If you already have a password you fill it in, if you need to create one there is a Password Generator as one of the items in the browser extension. Then 1PW will ask if you want to save this login (this doesn't always work, but usually does).

    Once the details are in 1PW then when you go to the web site you can just ask 1PW to enter the details for you. If it is unlocked, this can be done either by going to the extension and clicking on the site (which will be shown) or by a keyboard shortcut (which will be Command-\ unless you choose to alter it).

    There are other things you can do to make the process work even better, but this will do for a start.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    With respect it wasn't my question. If you read my question again you'll see I said 'I did not know where to find the 1PW programme however ignoring that for a moment' and I then went onto explain the sequence I am having a problem with. But thank you for the 1PW programme answer I have logged that for when I'll need it
    I am spending an awful lot of time to try and get the hang of 1PW, and I can only understand it if I tackle it piece by piece. I am really working hard now on the logging in. I am determined to be able to use 1PW and not be shut out because I just can't follow it. When I started back in October I felt very stupid because of all the difficulties I was having but looking through the many many hundreds of questions on the Forum and the large team you have to answer them I am reassured I may not be as stupid as I thought, I can see it is complex and obviously not easy to explain to a lot of us,,,But well done Forum for your patience.
    Please can you look at my question again as I cannot go forward until I clarify this in my mind,

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    It might help me Danco if you can tell me which of my questions you did not understand. Because if you can't understand them I have to perhaps think of another way of asking them. But I do like computers, they may be here to stay.....I just don't find them easy to use. I have downloaded the 1PW manual and had it professionally printed. It is not an easy read and it assumes a certain amount of computer literacy. It is sometimes hard for you experts to step down a rung or two down to our level. But at the moment I can't find the knowledge to climb up...I need a hand, a simple hand. I want 1PW. I need 1PW. I am prepared to work for it.....

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    You had asked where 1PW was. @Dianeoforegon had pretty much answered that. It lives in the Applications folder, as do all programs. More precisely, you will have downloaded 1password.zip (a compressed version),. You have to uncompress it (this can be automatic, depending on some settings in your web browser, which is probably Safari). And then you should have moved it into the Applications folder. My comment about "not understanding" is because this is one of the basic procedures when downloading a program (there are other ways of installing a program, some use one method and some another). And also a search with Spotlight can reveal where a program is.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    When I say I want 1PW I mean as a complete system. Please go back to my request on the 13th April. I said ignore the request to find 1PW, what I really wanted to know and I thought I made that very clear, was " when I go to an address and it asks for an e-mail and a password I unlock and fill in my Master P/W" Are you saying I can by-pass this stage providing I haven't closed down the computer merely closed the lid overnight..........But my BIG question I have been trying to get answered is.......What do I put in the blank e-mail and password slots? And how do I now open the page? Do you understand now?

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    No, I still don't understand why you have a problem.

    When you go to a web page you will be asked for user name and password. What they are will depend on whether you have already created these some time in the past, or whether this is a new page in which case you will have to create them (usually, there will be a link to "Register" or "Create an Account"). Once you have these (maybe just choosing a user name that you like, maybe giving your email address, it depends on the particular page, and created a password if necessary using the Password Generator) you will save them in 1PW, and after that you can use 1PW to do an automatic fill-in and submit on that site.

    And yes, you do not need to enter the Master Password each time. The Master Password is needed to unlock 1PW, and how long 1PW remains unlocked is up to you, there are options in the Security tab of 1PW's preferences. Certainly it is possible if you wish (and it is how I have it set up) to ensure that you do not need the Master Password if you have simply closed the lid overnight to put the computer to sleep.

    I begin to wonder if for some odd reason not all my forum posts are visible to you. As far as I am concerned, this answer has already been covered by my answer of 8:57 a.m. and my earlier answer of April 11th, you are just asking the same question again and I am giving the same answer.

    As for opening a page, I tend to use the inefficient method of opening the web page and using the shortcut to submit the username and password, but it is possible and more sensible to make 1PW open the page and submit, by choosing the page in some way (probably using Search) from 1PW in one of its forms.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    I have gone through all the posts and I just can't see why I can't follow what you are trying to say. Your last paragraph from "but it is possible etc., is meaningless to me. What would I search? One of its forms? What forms?
    In my meanderings through I came across One Password Manager by Quest....It's sales line is "reduce the need for high level administrators and Help Desk helpers"...Do you know about this? If so would you recommend it? If it can do the work for me then I won't have to keep asking for explanations I can't follow.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I'm not entirely surprised that you can't follow my last paragraph, as there I was just mentioning a possibility without describing exactly what is needed. I wanted to get you going in some way before dealing with that. My inefficient method will do for a start.

    It may be that it is time for someone else to take up the explanation, as we don't seem to be communicating well.

    What would be doing in terms of entering login details if you were not using 1PW (or another password manager)? Maybe if knew that I would be able to give a better answer.

    I don't know anything about One Password Manager. It isn't related to 1PW, and I would guess that it is intended for organisations where a number of users need their passwords for the organisation managed (for instance, where college students have to log in to a college netwrok).

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    If you want to pass me on I have no problem with that Danco. My goal is to be able to use one password on a daily basis. I have no desire to learn all the complex things 1PW can do. Just to be able to log on and off. as efficiently as possible. Maybe it was a mistake when I was told 1P/W could remember and I would not have to enter my MPW all the time. Nobody yet has explained to me yet in a way I can understand how to set that up. Sorry people but none of you has said what I put in the blank password and e-mail slot that appears on screen when I sign in with MPW if my computer reconizes it. I ask this each time but not one of you has addressed it. Why is this so difficult to answer? If Danco, you know anybody who knows the answer to that I'd be delighted to be instructed by them. Maybe somebody in your organisation knows about "One Password Manager by Quest" It could be my solution. It's on line and you guys would surely understand what it is supposed to do, no?

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    I have just realised One password Manager by Quest is another outfit like yours and not an offshoot. It is just that it hints you would not have to keep asking for help...I do not think they are being honest. So please forget my last two sentences.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jonatha,

    I’m so sorry to hear that you’re feeling frustrated with 1Password here. There is a lot that 1Password can do, so it’s easy to get a bit overwhelmed.

    I was told 1P/W could remember and I would not have to enter my MPW all the time.

    This is true. You can set how often 1Password locks in 1Password’s Preferences, in the Security pane.

    It’s not possible to leave 1Password completely unlocked, but the setting I show above will give you a lot of time before you have to enter that Master Password again.

    what should happen when I go to an address and it is asking for an e-mail and password.

    If you go to a website that you have an account for:

    1Password can fill those details for you if you have the browser extension installed, and if you have those details saved in 1Password.

    So, step 1 is to install the browser extension. You can get the extension from this page which includes installation instructions for your browser.

    Step 2 is saving your details into 1Password. This article will show you how to save your details.

    Once the username and password is saved in 1Password, you can use 1Password to fill them in.

    I can give you instructions on how to handle a webpage that you do not have an account for, but I don’t want to overwhelm you all at once.

    Does my post help?

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Thanks for your quick reply, but too early to say if it helps...I have to go away and see if I can work it out.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    I do not know where to find "preferences" and where is the Security panel.......I fall at the first hurdle.....keep it very simple Megan I have no ego left when it comes to 1Password.

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Have found "preferences in Apple menu" but I do not have the same screen shot as you and no Padlock...It is not the same page....

  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Cannot find your Preference page anywhere...I am on a MacBook Air, is that why?

  • justme12
    Community Member

    When you are in 1PW, go up to top 1Password on the left of your screen menu where it literally says 1Password, click and you will see Preferences - scroll and select it. Preferences will open (a keyboard shortcut to use is Command Key and Comma key to open Preferences) - then follow @jonatha post

    disregard the black boxes - they are just covering my confidential info

    1PW.jpg 82.7K
  • jonatha
    Community Member

    Let me try again, just assume nothing......When you say "When you are in one Password etc., please just tell tell me very simply how do I get there. I have got the big padlock and the smaller one on my top bar, what keys to press to get into one password.

  • XIII
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    please just tell tell me very simply how do I get there

    1. Simultaneously press ⌘ and the space bar
    2. Type 1Password in the "Spotlight Search" bar that appears
    3. Press ↩︎
This discussion has been closed.