How to switch from Agile Keychain to OPVault on multiple Macs
Hi there,
I'd like to convert my keychain to the OPVault format. I already found the knowledge base article ( but still have an open question:
I sync my keychain through Dropbox and use it on two Macs and two iOS devices. Do I have to follow the procedure described in the knowledge base article on each Mac or is it sufficient to do this only once? Do I have to do anything on my iOS devices to use the OPVault format after changing it on my Mac and syncing it to Dropbox?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
1Password Version: 5.3 (Mac App Store)
Extension Version: 4.4.2
OS Version: OS X 10.10.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:switch-to-opvault
Hi @Rohrbacher01,
That's a great question! The Terminal command is there to let 1Password know that you want vaults created in the .opvault format. 1Password can read the .opvault format just fine already. So technically, you could follow those directions on one Mac, and when you re-setup sync, 1Password on the other Mac would be able to read those .opvault files just fine. The issue comes in if you decide to create a new vault on this second Mac. It would sync that vault in .agilekeychain format, because it doesn't know that you want all vaults in .opvault.
So, short answer: please run the Terminal command on each Mac so that any new vaults you create will be in the correct .opvault format.
I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, we're here for you!