OPVault duplicate/missing data

This discussion was created from comments split from: OPVault sync Issue [all devices need to point to the same vault].


  • knersus
    Community Member

    I had a similar issue (all records were duplicated on iPhone), so I started the process again, removed all data from iPhone, and "opened existing vault" (the newly created OPVault) - which by the way crashed each time I did this. Subsequent opening of the app was fine.

    The one problem I have (and I have done the export from .agile keychain, import to new OPVault twice with the same result), many of the records are missing fields in the OPVault.

  • @knersus - what versions of 1Password do you have on all your devices?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @knersus: I hope you don't mind, but I've split you off into a separate discussion so we can work with you on your particular issue.

    Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me all OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action.

    The more information you can give, the better. Thanks in advance! :)

  • knersus
    Community Member

    Mac 5.4 (540046) MAS
    iPhone 6.0.2
    iPad 6.0.2

    Steps performed:
    Using 1Password for Windows I followed the instructions on your support forums to switch to OPVault. (https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/39875/getting-your-data-into-the-opvault-format)
    1. file / export - 1PIF format
    2. create new vault, import the 1PIF file

    Looking at, for example, the software records in the new opvault version, there are no fields other than attachments field populated. In the original keychain version many fields are populated. This is not the case for all software records, just many of them.

    I moved the opvault to dropbox and then used it on my iPhone (when I tried a merge it duplicated all records, so I had to do a delete all data on iPhone and then I "opened existing vault". The results on the iPhone are the same as in Windows version, the software records are missing data.

    I did not try the process from my Mac. When I have time I will try it from there (do the switch using the Mac as the source). I used only my Windows box and iPhone.

  • Christian_H
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    I just discovered this topic. I have the exact same issue and experienced the same results like @knersus is having after following the same migration path.

    My thread was: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/50369/data-loss-after-migration-to-opvault

  • knersus
    Community Member

    I have looked through my list of software licences (sorted by date created), and there is a pattern. Any records created 11 February 2013 and prior have only "Notes" and "Attachments" fields and those 16 March 2013 and after are "normal" (have many fields populated). Did something happen in the Feb / Mar 2013 time frame wrt record format or ????

  • MikeT
    edited October 2015

    Hi @knersus,

    We're currently testing this and so far, we're not able to reproduce this but your suggestion that it might affect items before a certain time is very curious, we'll test this soon.

    When you exported the data on Windows with 1PIF, did you happen to see a folder called attachments in your export directory?

    If you still have this folder, can you go in that attachments folders, do you see anything? You should see your attachments in each UUID folder.

    Any records created 11 February 2013 and prior have only "Notes" and "Attachments" fields and those 16 March 2013 and after are "normal" (have many fields populated). Did something happen in the Feb / Mar 2013 time frame wrt record format or ????

    That might be possible, we did make some format changes a few times but it shouldn't affect the import/export like this. It is possible that we're not importing the older versions and if we figure this out, we should be able to fix this with your help.

    Can you do this for me:

    1. Switch back to the original agilekeychain vault via the File Menu > Open 1Password Vault
    2. Find your software license items that was missing the content. Select one of them and then go to the File Menu > Export, select 1PIF format and this time, select Selected items. Save it to its own folder in your Documents > 1Password folder.
    3. Open the export folder, open the 1PIF file with NotePad, does it show all of your fields or just some metadata about your note and attachment?

    Please let me know, we want to fix this ASAP.

  • knersus
    Community Member

    I exported a software entry from the agilekeychain vault, and yes it does contain all the data expected. I also exported the same record from the opvault and examined the 1pif, it does contain the data, but within 1Password it only shows the Notes and attachments.

  • knersus
    Community Member

    And to answer your first question, yes there was an attachments folder in my export directory. It does contain attachments, but attachments aren't my problem. It's the other meta data.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2015

    Hi @knersus,

    And to answer your first question, yes there was an attachments folder in my export directory. It does contain attachments, but attachments aren't my problem. It's the other meta data.

    I understand, I'm just making sure the rest of the process went through properly. Sometime, there is an error and it can block the process from completing.

    . I also exported the same record from the opvault and examined the 1pif, it does contain the data, but within 1Password it only shows the Notes and attachments.

    I'm glad you did that because that was going to be my next question, to compare both.

    Can you look at the field names in both 1PIF files, is there a difference between them? 1PIF is a JSON format, if you have a text editor that can format JSON, it can pretty it up for you to make it easier to view (NotePad++ with JSON Viewer plugin does this).

    Does it have a lot of data? I was wondering if you can delete your data in that 1PIF and let us take a look at it. (Please do not upload anything in this forum).

  • knersus
    Community Member

    how should I provide the redacted files to you?

  • Hi @knersus,

    You can email us at support+windows@agilebits.com.

  • knersus
    Community Member

    btw, I even tried to modify the version in the opvault, added a section and some fields thinking that might shake things loose, and even that did not cause the hidden fields to display. (They are all still in the exported 1pif file)

  • knersus
    Community Member

    Files sent. I put carriage returns after each comma just to compare the two. They were originally just one long line.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    In case this is relevant, when doing my converter work, I learned the 1Password will not show fields when there are field entries in secureContents > sections, but the matching entries are not also present in secureContents.

  • Hi @knersus,

    Thanks, we got it and will analyze it.

    I put carriage returns after each comma just to compare the two. They were originally just one long line.

    That can cause problems, please try not to do that in the future as the parsers might not expect to see the returns.

    @MrC, I'll ping you via PM on this.

This discussion has been closed.