invalid code signature error - Chrome on win 8.1

Hi, I'm having problems with the "code signature could not be verified" issue.

I'm using 1Password in a number of environments, all work fine except on my work Win 8.1 PC. The only difference here is the fact that it's on a corporate domain and has Sophos AV. I can't disable Sophos to check if it is causing problems but our admins say there is nothing in the logs suggest it might be blocking things.

It was working fine until my PC was updated from Win 7 to Win 8.1

If I disable the 'verify web browser signature' option everything works ok ... obviously I'd rather not do this.

Are you aware of any issues specific to a corporate network setup or domain group policy settings that need to be considered.

My browser is currently Chrome 46.0.2490.80 m. Other info in the fields below.



1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 8.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:invalid code signature sophos


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