Intuitive and User Friendly design?
I purchased 1 Password as I need a password manager, and you're seems to be the one that is recommended the most. But after using for a about 2 months now, I am just put off using it, because the UI is just difficult to use. It's not intuitive, and it's not user friendly. I know you and your team pride yourselves on creating amazing and useful software, so I really bequest you to look again at your UI from a usability perspective. Here are some specific issues which I find difficult to use:
The "+" button to add a new entry is down at the bottom, in the middle of the screen. This is not an area of the screen I usually look towards for key function buttons.
The "+" button has a white background on a white screen, so it blends in. You can hardly see it.
Once you add a new entry (for example "Login" category) - the UI again is completely white with light grey text and a myriad of tiny text fields. It's hard to read and hard to use. And before you ask, no, I am not 95 years old, I am in my 30's and I have perfect 20/20 eyesight and a Retina sharp iMac display. It's just simple things, like having a thin light grey font on white background is hard to read.
Following on from (3) when you click in the form fields, it's really tricky to click in the right one, because the are very small, and the form fields only show a shape/outline when you hover over them. Some of them (like notes) don't even show this.
I would urge you to consider your UI and try and make it a bit more human friendly. That's what your company prides itself in. Making great products. From googling 1password, it looked like it was much easier to use before I purchased it.
I currently use a different password manager in preference to 1Password, since it uses a "Card" based UI which is much more pleasing, and easy to use. It has large Notes areas where you can type free from any constraints of having to fill in tiny text boxes. For example:
Thank you
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @paul8000!
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us about UI design here. If you're relatively new to 1Password, you may not know this, but our entire existence as a company, we've been blessed with a very active and involved user-base made up of people just like you who care enough about 1Password to let us know not only when they've loved something about 1Password, but when they've had troubles or noticed things that they thought could be done better. Many of the features and behavior of 1Password today started as suggestions from the user community. We try very hard never to forget that and certainly never to take it for granted.
Of course, we can't always incorporate every feature request or suggestion, but we are absolutely grateful for every single one we receive. In the case of the UI issues you mention, well...I hear you. As it happens, I am nearly 50, and my eyesight was never all that good to begin with. So I definitely feel your pain more than you might imagine. Our previous version, which worked on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and 10.9 (Mavericks) was much more colorful and 3-D. But that's because so was OS X at that time. We could make 1Password look like anything we wanted -- but we tend to follow the design parameters of the OSes on which we run. And yes, that means that not only does 1Password look different on every platform you use it on (cosmetically at least - just try out a trial copy of 1Password 4 for Windows if you want to see a stark difference), but we change it as the OSes themselves change, as well. I've had people complain that they didn't like the Windows version UI, as well -- and others who claim they love it, on both platforms. So, while I agree with you from a macro/visibility perspective, there's also a great deal of taste involved, taste which will vary from user to user.
I will definitely mention your suggestions to our dev team, but I can't say when - or even IF - you might see any changes, for the reasons I mentioned previously. Thanks for taking your time out to write in to us, however, and let us know if there's anything further we can do to assist you!