Dropbox sync cannot be re-enabled after moving the keychain file

Community Member


I'm a previous 1Password 3.8 user who have just upgraded to the latest App Store version. Everything was working fine until I decided to move the keychain file in Dropbox to a subfolder, as I was organizing my Dropbox folder better.

I followed the steps described by @Drew_AG on this post: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/34858/move-1password-keychain-files-away-from-topmost-dropbox-folder

Now, after moving the keychain file, I can't re-enable Dropbox sync on the Mac version of 1Password (the iOS version worked as expected). On the Dropbox Sync screen, after selecting the keychain file, the continue button won't work, similar to what was reported on https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/48124/dropbox-sync-continue-button-does-not-do-anything. Unfortunately, that post never had the solution revealed.

Below you can find the console logs. I've recorded a video of the problem, but apparently it can't be posted here.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: 4.4.4
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:dropbox sync continue button


  • mdlima
    Community Member


    Marker - 29/10/2015 18:44:49
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:27 2015| 540046 [APP:(Main Thread):<OPAppDelegate: 0x6000001ce100>] M applicationDidFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password (AppStore) 5.4 #540046 built Oct  9 2015 15:35:41
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:27 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Main Thread):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] S connect | Connecting to helper
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:27 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Main Thread):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] S startHelper | Starting '2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper'
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:27 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Main Thread):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] S startHelper | '2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper' is not yet running, waiting for 0.2s
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Main Thread):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] S startHelper | Started 1Password mini (
        "<NSRunningApplication: 0x60800011cc20 (2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper - 40669)>"
    ), (
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:29 2015| 540046 [APP:(Main Thread):<OPAppDelegate: 0x6000001ce100>] S hockeyManagerStarted | Launch time: 1.25s
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:30 2015| 540046 [UI:(Main Thread):<OPMainWindowController: 0x7ff7bad17f10>] S saveState:andReloadDataWithCompletionOnMain: | Selected 0 items: 0.002s
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:43 2015| 540046 [UI:(Main Thread):<OPMainWindowController: 0x7ff7bad17f10>] S saveState:andReloadDataWithCompletionOnMain: | Selected 1196 items: 0.255s
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:03 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x60000147e840):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] E handleXPCError: | Problem talking to the helper: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) UserInfo=0x60000147e480 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper}
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:05 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x608001660040):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] E handleXPCError: | Problem talking to the helper: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) UserInfo=0x600001474d00 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper}
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:07 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x608001677500):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] E handleXPCError: | Problem talking to the helper: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) UserInfo=0x608001270880 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper}
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:09 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x608001677500):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] E handleXPCError: | Problem talking to the helper: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) UserInfo=0x60000147d780 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper}
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:20 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x600000277f80):<OPHelperConnection: 0x600000460ec0>] E handleXPCError: | Problem talking to the helper: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) UserInfo=0x60000027b740 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper}


     Marker - 29/10/2015 18:44:34
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [HELPER:(Main Thread):<OPHelperAppDelegate: 0x7f8b41f00530>] M applicationWillFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password mini 5.4 #540046 built Oct  9 2015 15:34:35
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [HELPER:(Main Thread):<OPHelperAppDelegate: 0x7f8b41f00530>] M applicationDidFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password mini 5.4 #540046 built Oct  9 2015 15:34:35
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [DATABASE:(Main Thread):<OP4Database: 0x7f8b41d3cc30>] S openDatabaseWithError: | SQLite Version: 3.8.5
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e45940):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] S start | Starting XPC Server
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] S listener:shouldAcceptNewConnection: | connection accepted
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [HELPER:(Main Thread):<OPHelperAppDelegate: 0x7f8b41f00530>] S application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: | 
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Main Thread):<OP3ExtensionServer: 0x7f8b41c795a0>] M start | [ES3] Starting JSE server on port 6258
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:28 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Main Thread):<OP4ExtensionServer: 0x7f8b41c7be30>] M start | [ES4] Starting JSE server on port 6263
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:30 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41f370c0):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] E selectAllObjectsForProfile:reply: | Invalid request. Active profile is locked
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionHTTPConnection: 0x7f8b41e8bba0>] M webSocketForURI: | [ES4] Extension connected Chrome-Extension 'chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk / (null)'
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41f370c0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41c8fee0>] S didOpen | [ES4 0x7f8b41c8fee0] Connected 'chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk:58068'
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OP4ExtensionClientHandler: 0x7f8b41ca6ab0>] S handleHello: | Welcoming version of Chrome-Extension.
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41c8fee0>] S sendAction:payload: | [ES4 0x7f8b41c8fee0] chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk sendAction: 'welcome'
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41c8fee0>] S findExtensionProcessForPort: | [ES4 0x7f8b41c8fee0] Connected chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk:58068: <NSRunningApplication: 0x7f8b41f3c680 (com.google.Chrome - 258)>
    Thu Oct 29 18:47:41 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41c8fee0>] S verifyClient:satisfiesRequirement: | Extension client 'chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk' (<NSRunningApplication: 0x7f8b41f3c680 (com.google.Chrome - 258)>) passed validation
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:04 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] S listener:shouldAcceptNewConnection: | connection accepted
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:07 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e45940):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] S listener:shouldAcceptNewConnection: | connection accepted
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:09 2015| 540046 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OPXPCServer: 0x7f8b41e6e2a0>] S listener:shouldAcceptNewConnection: | connection accepted
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:11 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OP4ExtensionHTTPConnection: 0x7f8b41dad280>] M webSocketForURI: | [ES4] Extension connected Safari-Extension 'safari-extension://com.agilebits.onepassword4-safari-2bua8c4s2c / (null)'
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:11 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41db2a20>] S didOpen | [ES4 0x7f8b41db2a20] Connected 'safari-extension://com.agilebits.onepassword4-safari-2bua8c4s2c:58076'
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:11 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionClientHandler: 0x7f8b41db0ad0>] S handleHello: | Welcoming version 4.4.4 of Safari-Extension.
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:11 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41d20bf0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41db2a20>] S sendAction:payload: | [ES4 0x7f8b41db2a20] safari-extension://com.agilebits.onepassword4-safari-2bua8c4s2c sendAction: 'welcome'
    Thu Oct 29 18:48:11 2015| 540046 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7f8b41e884f0):<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7f8b41db2a20>] S findExtensionProcessForPort: | [ES4 0x7f8b41db2a20] Connected safari-extension://com.agilebits.onepassword4-safari-2bua8c4s2c:58076: <NSRunningApplication: 0x7f8b4407fd00 (com.apple.Safari - 285)>
  • mdlima
    Community Member


    I just want to share how I managed to solve this on my own.

    Purely by chance, I stumbled on a post that mentioned the new OPvault, so I decided to try it.

    After following the migration guide (https://support.1password.com/switch-to-opvault/mac.html), Dropbox Sync could be re-enabled in the Mac and iOS versions.

    Beware, though, that OPVault format is not available for all previous versions of 1Password, so check carefully before trying this.

    Hope this helps.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mdlima,

    I'm really glad to hear you were able to solve the problem by switching to OPVault! Thank you very much for sharing the information about what you tried and how you got Dropbox sync working again. I'm sure that will be very helpful for customers who might find themselves in a similar situation!

    I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling there was a small issue with the .agilekeychain file in Dropbox. If so, that explains why deleting that and creating a new sync data file (which in your case was in the newer OPVault format) solved the problem.

    It sounds like you're all set now, but we're here for you if you need anything else. Have a great weekend! :)

This discussion has been closed.