Invalid license key error activation

Purchased a license for Windows but when I put in the license key as described I get the response "Invalid License Key". I've disabled anti-virus on my machine. I even tried disabling the proxy server, but to no avail. Installed version Any thoughts?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:invalid license key error


  • Hey @leefledd,

    That's not a nice error to see. I can see that you purchased 1Password 4 for Windows today.
    Usually when 1Password fails to contact our licence server, you will be shown a different error message.

    I've resent the licence email to your address, please double check the licence code and let us know if it continues to fail to register.

  • leefledd
    Community Member

    Unfortunately the same error pops up.

  • leefledd
    Community Member

    Any other thoughts on how to resolve this issue?

  • leefledd
    Community Member

    Alex or .....
    If this license key does not work, can you provide me with another one that might work?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2015

    @leefledd: The license key works. The problem is that 1Password cannot connect securely to the license server if something on your system is breaking the secure connection (such as with an invalid certificate, which often 'security' software does to monitor your connections). So a new key won't be able to secure the connection.

    I've sent you an email with the license file attached. You'll need to place it in %appdata%\agilebits\ and restart Windows. When you launch 1Password it will load the license...but definitely look into what's breaking the connection on your computer, as it will probably prevent 1Password from updating and may cause other connection issues as well.

    You should be all set, but be sure to reach out if you need further help with 1Password. We're here of you! :)

    ref: DRZ-44625-465

  • leefledd
    Community Member

    Arrr Brenty, shiver me timbers. I placed the file in me galley and I caught the four winds. Now dreaded pirate Roberts can't catch me!

    (It worked. Thanks. I'll dig deeper into why I'm getting connection errors)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yarrr, ye be most welcome! I's glad to hear 'tis smooth sailin' fer ye. T'sounds like ye be all set, but we be here ta rescue ye if ye be lost adrift again! :pirate:

  • misje
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty! Have the same issue on win 10. Recently bought a bundle win+mac. Mac ok, win no.. Can you please send me the same file to fix the connection..

  • Hi @misje,

    Just to be clear, the issue isn't on our side and there's no same file for everyone. The issue is that your PC has a potential compromised security where we refuse to connect to our servers to protect the app. The license file is only a last resort method if you cannot improve or change security on the PC, such as locked down computers at work.

    I can't find your order in our store based on your email address in your forum profile, so we can't send you the file without knowing your license key.

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread and also, your license key information, so we can generate the license file for you.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • misje
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    @MikeT i Used another email [Edited by MikeT] check by this one.. It's a home laptop..

  • Hi @misje,

    Please do not share any personal information in this public support forum. Please email us from that address to along with your 1Password diagnostics report.

    I've edited your post to remove your personal information.

  • misje
    Community Member

    @MikeT done

  • Thanks, we got the email and will follow up as soon as possible.

    ref: FMX-31166-588

  • sodiumhalogen
    Community Member

    I am getting an "Invalid License Key" whenever I enter the key in 1Password. I've had the key resent via email. I've also opened up the key file in a text editor and tried copying the license UUID and using that as the key. Otherwise, I don't see how to upload the license key file to 1Password. Any suggestions?

  • sodiumhalogen
    Community Member

    I am getting an "Invalid License Key" whenever I enter the key in 1Password. I've had the key resent via email. I've also opened up the key file in a text editor and tried copying the license UUID and using that as the key. Otherwise, I don't see how to upload the license key file to 1Password. Any suggestions?

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