Feature request: exact url matching

As a developer I run a lot of applications locally. So lots of urls like https://localhost:8443/app1 or https://localhost:8443/app2. Is there a possibility for 1password to differentiate between the 2?
Also we use a couple of test servers. Can 1password differentiate between https://server1.companyname.lan and https://server2.companyname.lan ?



1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @cpostma,

    Are you using the same data for each URL or different credentials? There are other ways to address this if you are reusing the credentials.

    Precise URL matching is difficult (co.uk vs. .uk) but we mainly match on the domain first, than subdomain. What 1Password does is bubble the most precise matches on top with the ranked matches degrading as you go down. However, there is a limitation, we use the public TLD list from https://publicsuffix.org, which won't have your specific domains on the list and it is difficult to parse your local domains to figure out what part is which.

    You can bypass the ranking if you favorite your most used items, favorited items will always show up on top of the list.

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