Team Vaults don't have Smart folders only use tags?

Community Member

I have noticed that in the 1Password app with a team I can only see my Folders/Smart Folders when my Primary vault (local and syncing with Dropbox) is selected. When I select "All Vaults" or any vault under the Team, I don't see any Folders/Smart Folders just Tags.

Is having Folders/Smart Folders a future feature for Teams?

1Password Version: 5.5.BETA-15 (550015)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X El Capitan
Sync Type: Team/Cloud



  • Winnie
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sund

    Folder and Smart Folders are indeed not supported in 1Password for Teams. So far there is also no plan on adding them. I suggest to use tags instead.

  • mbookspan
    Community Member

    I'd like to request this be added to a future release please.

  • SpyderCKE
    Community Member
    edited November 2015

    Tagging in the Mac app works fine, but where can I see tags exposed to sort or otherwise categorize by them?

    EDIT: Found it! Need to add a tag first to see the interface for it. I was confused a bit since in the standard app, you can create smart searches, etc.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'd like to request this be added to a future release please.

    @mbookspan: As Winnie mentioned above this isn't something we have plans to do currently, but it's certainly something we can reconsider in the future.

    Need to add a tag first to see the interface for it. I was confused a bit since in the standard app, you can create smart searches, etc.

    @SpyderCKE: Indeed. Sorry for the confusion! Although this is a bit of a change from what you're used to, this is actually more consistent with the rest of the sidebar, since, for example, you won't have Memberships show up there unless you actually have (a) Membership item(s). And to be clear, it's the same app; we've simply taken the opportunity with the new Teams vaults to streamline some things, so it has some differences compared to how 'personal' vaults do things.

  • johnclay
    Community Member
    edited November 2015

    I'd also like to voice my support for folders, or at least a better form of tagging. It would be nice if tags:

    a) autocompleted both in-app and in the extension,

    b) were optionally not remembered for a website (i.e. recording login for different clients on the same website leaves the previous tag profiled).

    c) able to be created outside of editing an existing entry.

    d) shared between vaults, so rather than having to create the same tag 5 times for different vaults with different access levels, they automatically there and ready to auto-complete or have a saved entry dropped onto.

    I'm really liking what I'm seeing in 1Password for Teams, but it has a ways to go before replacing my individual vault.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @johnclay,

    Thanks so much for your feedback on tags, and 1Password for Teams! I'll share your thoughts with our team. :)

  • KevanSizemore
    Community Member

    Just adding another request for the Smart Folders (a.k.a. 'saved searches) feature within personal vaults stored in 1Password for teams. While I use tags primarily, smart folders proved to be an effective way to track items tagged a certain way with a password of a certain age.

    For example, suppose I have several "mission critical" items that I need to change every 90 days; I could create a smart folder entitled "old mission critical items" that allowed me to see items with the tag 'mission critical' with a password age >= 90 days. While 1Password does show old items under the Security Audit (e.g. 3+ years old, 1-3 years old) I am unaware of a way to filter/sort the list by a specific tag.

    Additionally - it would be nice if there were a way to exempt certain items from being flagged as "old" by the Security Audit. For example, things like social security numbers, driver license numbers, or the secure codes used in credit cards generally are not changed as frequently as passwords or PINs.

    Otherwise, enjoying the new 1Password for Teams and looking forward to what the future will bring.

  • rob

    Hi, @KevanSizemore, and welcome to the forum!

    You bring up some great points! I would love to see saved searches implemented in 1Password for Teams too, and we may be able to do that eventually. It's not on the roadmap for the short term because we have so many other things to finish up right now, but I hope we're able to revisit it later. In the meantime, I think I can help with your use case a little bit.

    While 1Password does show old items under the Security Audit (e.g. 3+ years old, 1-3 years old) I am unaware of a way to filter/sort the list by a specific tag.

    You can't sort by a tag, true, but you can search for a tag. If you click the "6-12 months old" section under Security Audit, then select Edit > Find > Show Search Options, you'll see this come up automatically:


    You'll see that section is kinda like its own saved search; it just can't be edited. But you can add a row there to search for Tags, like this:


    So then you can see all the old passwords with that tag.

    Another option, which I think I would prefer, would be to select the tag in the sidebar first, then change the sort order to sort by Password Age. The list will conveniently change to even show you the Password Age beneath the item titles, like this:


    Additionally - it would be nice if there were a way to exempt certain items from being flagged as "old" by the Security Audit. For example, things like social security numbers, driver license numbers, or the secure codes used in credit cards generally are not changed as frequently as passwords or PINs.

    You and me both. :) We're trying to figure out how to best solve this. I think what we want to do is implement a new field type, "Concealed", that will mask out the field value but not treat it like a password that should be updated. That hasn't happened yet, but I'll pass your vote along to the team.

    Otherwise, enjoying the new 1Password for Teams and looking forward to what the future will bring.

    Glad to hear it! I believe the future is bright. :)

  • KevanSizemore
    Community Member
    edited February 2016

    Now that's a great response. Thank you Rob - it's thoughtful responses like yours that make AgileBits support some of the best I've experienced. If only the rest of the world functioned so well... Thanks again!

  • Ben

    Thanks so much for the kind words, @KevanSizemore. It is feedback like yours that makes it all worth it. :) I've passed your message along to Rob which I'm sure will give him a big grin.

    If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  • JamesHenderson
    Community Member

    @Winnie - using tags is OK, but what if you save an item without a tag? gets lost as there is no smart folder for untagged items. I moved all my items across to my "your vault" (called "personal" now I think??) and now I have no clue which of my items were not tagged. Not all lost as I can move them all back now and create the untagged smart folder to find them again.

    Smart folders are worth thinking about....

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JamesHenderson,

    Although creating a Smart Folder is currently limited to personal, non-managed vaults, the Show Search Options command is available in Teams vaults and the All Vaults view (under the Edit > Find menu and with the ⌃⌥⌘F shortcut) for doing "one-off" searches, e.g. untagged items:

    I hope that helps!

  • JamesHenderson
    Community Member


    Brilliant - thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of sjk, you are most welcome! Cheers! :)

  • nkpritchard
    Community Member

    Another advocate of Folders. Having moved a number of items that we store corporately from keepass to a shared 1password vault we are missing having folders as a means of seperating out clients, into folders, and the items we need to retain on them. Eg access to their IT services, hardware and software services.

  • rob

    Hi, @nkpritchard, and welcome to our forum!

    Have you tried out tags? I think they would work great for your use case as well.

    Another option with 1Password for Teams is to just create a new vault for each client. The added benefit of that is that you can actually assign different people on your team to different clients' vaults, and they will only have access to those clients. You could even invite your clients as "Guests" to your team and give them access to their vault. Then you could securely share their information with them and they could help keep the info up-to-date as well.

  • nkpritchard
    Community Member

    So I have now tried Tags. Ok, They appear to work in the 1Password for team web client app but they do NOT appear to show up in the 1Password Beta apps for Windows 10. I have added Tags to individual record entries but Under the 1Password Beta app I can see Categories but no Groups for Tags

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @nkpritchard: Sorry for the confusion! Tags aren't yet fully supported in the 1Password for Windows 10 beta, but you can view them in the item's details currently, and a search will return results containing tags as well. I hope this helps!

  • Ben

    Hi @kavaa,

    We don't have any plans to add folders at this time, but we do appreciate the feedback. We are investigating the possibility of adding saved searches / smart folders, and hopefully that'll be a possiblity in the future.


  • ThinkGraphical
    Community Member

    +1 for the folder support

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the vote! Perhaps we'll be able to add folders in a future version. :)

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @brenty ad my +1000000 votes up too please :dizzy:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ntimo: ONE! AH, AH, AH! :naughty:

    Nice try though! ;)

  • ionos
    Community Member

    +1 one for Smart Folders / Saved Searches. Thanks

    Actually, make this +7, since it's an early adopter Family account ;-)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    +1 one for Smart Folders / Saved Searches. Thanks

    One vote! You got it! :) :+1:

    Actually, make this +7, since it's an early adopter Family account ;-)

    Touché. :lol:

  • rsingh
    Community Member

    I just started evaluating 1Password for teams. I am also evaluating Dashlane for teams. I am leaning towards 1Password for team because of ability to organize information into folders. Surprised to see that folders are not supported and there are no plans to support them even though users have been asking for them. Is there is user voice forum where we can vote for this feature?
    My use case was simple. I have 4 environments in my application. Each of them has a confidential file which has the exact same name. I wanted to create a folder called AppName and 4 sub folders called Dev, Test, Stage and Prod. I wanted to add 4 files there. Now I have to find another way to do this same.

  • Jacob
    edited August 2016

    Thanks for the feedback, folks. :+1: @rsingh we collect feedback from users both here and via email and add it to a tracker internally.

  • ThinkGraphical
    Community Member

    Another request for 1Password folders, i have to agree with @kavaa... folders are a big thing & not just a small feature you guys can keep ignoring.

    It would be so much easier and more organised for our team, if we can group items in folders (per client, etc...).

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