Ongoing cost

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member


I'm just trying to understand the ongoing cost I'll be incurring by purchasing 1P. I understand upgrade from 1Pv5 to 1Pv6 will be free. And there'll be an ongoing cost of around US$20 each year there after every time there's a new version release. Of course, I don't have to upgrade and keep using the current version but if I fall behind 2 major point release, I'll have to pay around US$50 for the next major release (e.g. upgrade from 1Pv3 to 1Pv5)

Is the above assumption correct?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I understand upgrade from 1Pv5 to 1Pv6 will be free.

    That assumption may not be correct. Nobody outside AgileBits knows (and I don't work for AgileBits, but am merely a volunteer here). The upgrade from 1P3 to 1P4 was paid, that from 1P4 to 1P5 was free—so it's hard to predict what might happen based on past experience.

    What I would say is that, in my personal experience, AgileBits is very fair about paid upgrades. They do not occur that frequently (and certainly not once a year, as you imply) and are usually accompanied by most reasonable upgrade offers for existing users.

    Things are a little more complicated by the fact that. as you probably know, there are Mac App Store and AgileBits store versions of 1P (the key difference being that the Mac App Store version supports iCloud sync). As AgileBits can control its own store there's usually an upgrade price, and discount, on the AgileBits store for users of previous versions (for example, in respect of the upgrade from 1P3 to 1P5).


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @henders,

    Sadly I'm unable to comment on 1Password 6 for Mac in terms of whether there will be a cos involved or not but at the right time we will announce what is happening.

    To try and help here is an example of my current outlay with 1Password. I first became a customer back in 2010 with 1Password 3 on both Mac and iOS and once my devices and Macs were compatible I upgraded to 1Password 4. I now run the most current version of for both platforms and the total outlay for me as we inch towards year 6 of being a user is ~£70 (I'm based in the UK) which roughly translates to 110USD. I feel like I've had great value for money so when the next paid version comes along I will open up my wallet.

    I know some places taper the discount depending on how many versions behind a person is. What I can say is that a person that purchased 1Password 2 back in 2008 is currently entitled to the same discounted price for 1Password 5 that I was entitled to as a purchaser of 1Password 3 in 2010. Stephen_C has already pointed out the exception which is we don't have the same control at the Mac App Store that we can flex in our own store.

    AgileBits does need a source of income to survive, that's true of every company but what drives all of those at the top is the desire to make great software and not the money. Being a private company means there has never been any emphasis on the bottom line like sadly some places where it's about the shareholders - I'm sure we all have a great example to draw upon here.

    You are correct that a licence is not revoked and will allow you to run that version of 1Password for as long as you want. We still have many 1Password 3 for Mac users although we're reaching a point where the changes to OS X mean it isn't a tenable option any more. That's the one issue which is true of all software, if you upgrade all the components a piece of software relies on then at some point incompatibilities are likely to rear their ugly head if one piece isn't also being updated at the same rate.

    Hopefully this reply helped a bit and wasn't too rambling.

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