Browser extensions sorting

For some sites I have more than one account (different services with one web address and no central login) and when I see a list of logins and some of them are hidden under "show x more..." and the one I need is always in then "show more" section it's quite annoying.
I tried to change titles of these accounts but extension has no titles sorting.
Is there a possibility to sort a site logins in Chrome extension?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RusArtm: Having a dozen or so Google accounts myself, I feel your pain. Unfortunately it isn't possible to reorder items in the extension currently, but this may be a feature we can add in a future version. Thanks for letting us know you'd find it useful! :)

  • RusArtm
    Community Member

    Is it possible at least to sort logins alphabeticalldy?
    It would be of a great use!

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @RusArtm,

    It does already but first, it sorts the list based on the precise URLs before it sorts the smaller list by the alphabetical order. If you're on, it will only push the saved items with and then sort it alphabetically. Other items with would be pushed down below Show More.

    First, edit all of your Google accounts to use the same login URL and once that happens, it'll sort it alphabetically then.

    You can also favorite the most common account you used, the extension will push all favorited items on top, regardless of the sorting.

  • RusArtm
    Community Member
    edited December 2015

    Thanks, this helped...

  • You're welcome!

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