I need to move my 1password to a new computer. I need step by step guide to transfer my passwords?

I don't know how to transfer my password between windows computers. I have tried searching online but nothing helpful. Please can you give me a step by step guide on how to transfer my 1password from one computer to another one. I need to do this urgently.

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 8.1 to 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I need to move 1password onto a new windows computer. How do I transfer my passwords?


  • @silverglow - I am happy to help you with this. You can use the same license key in 1Password on your new Windows PC and you will need to transfer the 1Password vault to your new Windows PC.

    Run 1Password on your current Windows PC.
    Go to Help > Enter License Key > Replace Enter License Key - copy the license key from the box.
    Paste the license key into a text file and save it.
    Transfer this file to your new Windows PC.

    Go to Preferences > General and on this screen will be the path to your 1Password vault.
    Transfer this 1Password vault to your new Windows PC.

    Run 1Password on your new Windows PC.
    From the lock screen, click on File > Open Vault and select the vault you just transferred.

    Use the text file you transferred to copy your license key from.

    Please let us know if this helps or if you have further questions.

  • silverglow
    Community Member

    Hi, I got lost at the 'transfer this file to your new windows PC' stage. How exactly do I transfer the file. It also says, trasfer the 1PW vault to you new windows PC. I tried doing this with a USB but nothing happens when I try to open the vault on the new PC

  • @silverglow - Yes, you can transfer the file using a USB stick or Dropbox if you have it. Do you see the 1Password vault on your new PC?

  • silverglow
    Community Member

    On my old PC, I have gone to 'preferences' and 'general' and I have located the old password vault. I don't know how to copy it to my new PC. Do i copy it from the box and paste it into a word document and then email it across so I can have access to it on the new PC. Do I copy it from the box and paste it to a word document and then use a USB to transfer the document over. You might need to break this down into baby steps for me because I am really confused. This would be much easir if I could speak to a live human being,

  • LauraR
    edited November 2015

    @silverglow - Once you find the path of your 1Password vault you need to open that location in Windows Explorer and drag the .agilekeychain file to your USB drive......

    For instance, if you see that your 1Password vault is in the path
    Open up your Documents folder, then open up the 1Password folder and drag 1Password.agilekeychain to your USB drive.

    On your new PC create a new folder called 1Password in your Documents folder.
    Insert the USB drive in your new PC.
    Drag 1Password.agilekeychain from USB drive to this new 1Password folder.

    Run 1Password on your new PC, select File > Open and select the .agilekeychain you just copied across.

    If you would like more detailed help with this, could you email us at support+windows@agilebits.com and we can help further with this. In the email, can you include a link back to this forum post. Thanks!

  • silverglow
    Community Member

    Oooh Brilliant! I think I got it now. Thank you so much for your help. I am new to 1PW so I am still learning how to use it. Thanks once again

  • @silverglow - I'm so glad that helped and remember if you need further help at any time just email us at support+windows@agilebits.com.

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