Unlocking the browser extension does not unlock main program

Is it normal for the main program to remain locked after unlocking the browser extension? Currently I have to double unlock 1password if I unlock the extension first. However when I unlock the main program everything works fine (the extension is unlocked too).
Thank you!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited November 2015

    Hi @krazyb4g,

    If the main program is not running, then yes, that is normal. If it is running, then it should unlock as well. Try opening the program first and then unlock the extension, see if the main program unlocks now.

    This is by design due to needing the main process to be running before we can share information to unlock it. If it is not running, we clear the information and cannot unlock it later.

  • krazyb4g
    Community Member

    @MikeT Thank you for your help. Everything works fine!

  • You're welcome. One thing you can do is auto-start 1Password upon reboots and unlock it first before moving on with the browsers. That helps for some folks.

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