Change imported items into relevant category

I have imported my passwords, secure notes etc from LastPass using MRC Perl script and want to tidy up as many are in wrong categories. I would also like to add new categories. I cannot find out how to do this. I am still on demo version and it may be a limitation but not willing to move from lastpass unless I can tidy up. Also the windows 10 version has no facility to add or edit categories.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:demo version, kb-search:edit category, kb-search:[edit category windows]]( category windows]), kb-search:edit category, kb-search:edit category windows


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Hi @teal_oak,

    The changing of categories in 1Password is on the List of Good Intentions, but not yet a feature.

    If you can tell me what you'd prefer in terms of categories and fields, I might be able to quickly customize a converter for you to place items where and how you'd like them.

  • teal_oak
    Community Member

    I can see that there is a significant difference in the fields within each category (Login, Secure note, wallet etc).

    Lastpass has 16 different note types for secure notes (passport, server, driving licence, bank account) and one type for logins. You can have personalised folders which can have a mixture of secure notes and logins.
    I am going to have to think this through. The column header **grouping ** in the exported csv, contains the folder info e.g. Accounts\Savings.

    Thanks for the offer. I will get back to you.

    I have not finally decided to move. Licence arrangements with 1password are more generous than last pass which has annual subscription. I prefer the UI of 1password and the fact the file is on Onedrive or Dropbox rather than Last pass server. Now that would be a hack!!!!!!!!!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Hi @teal_oak,

    No problem, take your time. I'm here if you want some help.

    The converter maps all of LastPass categories (even those encapsulated within a Note, which seems to have been a LastPass invention to reduce the amount of required CSV rows for exported data). The converter also places the LastPass groupings in Tags, and can also place such items in Folders (with the use of the --folder option, not enabled by default).

    1Password has Tags, and you can create Smart Folders to create those personalized folders you refer to, so you can mix categories this way. Just create a new smart folder, and setup the proper query on Tags, or whatever you want.

    The 1Password way of doing things is a little different. Items are grouped more by Function, than by Institution. So your bank account information will be split into a Login, a Bank Account, a Credit Card, and perhaps others. This is done so that only the relevant entries and fields appear in your browser, as you typically populate data based on function, not by institution. This can be a little disconcerting for new users who want to place everything into an institutional or organizational collective entry. And the converter tries to follow this functional splitting of data.

    I hope this helps, perhaps at least a little.

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