How should I use 1password with a windows 10 desktop and samsung mobile devices?

I intend to download 1 Password to my desktop but want to have access on both my Samsung S4 mini cell and Samsung tablet? My tablet and desktop both have drop box. How should I proceed? Do I need to download apps on all 3 devices; if so, which versions?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:how to link Windows 10, and both a samsung S4 mini and Samsung tablet?


  • Hi @kurtyandell,

    You can use 1Password to sync your 1Password data between your Android devices and your PC. There are a few sync options you can use, which is explained in our sync guide here.

    You'll have an easier time by starting off with 1Password on your computer and then sync from there with your Android devices.

    1. Download and install 1Password for Windows on your PC from here:
    2. Follow our quick start guide if you'd like to get started first with adding some data.
    3. Depending on which sync option you'd like to use, I'd recommend Dropbox for the easiest solution. If you're okay with this, start with this guide to move your 1Password data to Dropbox.
    4. On the Android devices, this guide will cover setting up with Dropbox, set up as an existing user and sync with Dropbox.

    I hope this helps. If you're happy in a month, you can purchase 1Password for Windows license at our web store and the in-app purchase inside the 1Password app on one of your Android devices. Once you purchased it, you can restore it on the other Android devices without paying again.

    As for the Windows license, you can use it on any number of PCs as long as you're the only 1Password user on it and you can share the same license with up to 5 family members in the same household.

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