Problems with filling in URL on specific site

I am using 1PW on W8.1/IEX. I have problems with one particular site. Its URL is . When typing this site manually a login screen comes up. OK so far. From there, with CTRL+\, I can login with the credentials in the 1PW item.
When using 1PW for the URL (opening the site from the 1PW item), with exactly this URL in the 1PW item, the URL is redirected to to . Which cannot be found. I tried various settings in this login item. Like CRTL-A, Auto-type, etc. Nothing helps. Google Chrome has the same behaviour as IEX.
So, can you help me ?


  • MichielSprenger
    Community Member

    One more observation: I did not have the Chrome extension installed. Done that. Now it works for Chrome. But I have reasons to use IEX on this site.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MichielSprenger: Do you mean Internet Explorer? It makes sense that Chrome wouldn't know what to do with the 1Password URL without the extension installed, so it sounds like the IE add-on isn't parsing the URL for some reason. Are you seeing this behaviour with any other sites? I wonder if it could be related to the invalid security certificate.

    Please let me know the exact OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using, and if you have an example of another site it might help narrow down the problem. Thanks in advance! :)

  • MichielSprenger
    Community Member

    Hi @Brenty , thanks for your reaction.
    This behavior I have not seen on any other website so far.
    It happens on two PCs: a desktop and a laptop. Both have the same configuration:
    Windows 8.1 PRO
    Microsoft Internet Explorer (IEX) version 11.0.9600.18098, this is the standard browser.
    Google Chrome version 46.0.2490.86 m, with 1PW plugin installed, version
    1Password version (12).

    The problem persists with Internet Explorer in all occasions, on the site mentioned. Opening with chrome is OK, I open in Chrome by right click in the items list, choose Open With Google Chrome.
    Thanks for your help.

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @MichielSprenger,

    Press the Control key on your keyboard before you double-click on the Login item for, does that open the site fine?

    This will bypass the Go and Fill command and turn it into Go only command, the extra part at the end is our additional info to help the extension fill your specific Login item by its ID that you see at the end. This shouldn't be parsed by any sites but it looks like there's something specific with that is parsing it incorrectly, causing it to stop loading right away.

    In Chrome, our extension can read the URL in advance and remove it before the browser loads the site. This isn't something that can be done for IE but may be possible for upcoming Edge update with the extension support.

  • MichielSprenger
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT I do not exactly understand what you mean. Double clicking a login item opens the item editor but not the site. The site can be opened by right clicking the login item in the item list and the "Open", for default browser, or "Open in" (at least in Dutch translation, these commands might be different in other localisations of 1PW) for choosing one of the browsers installed. Doing that with the windows CTRL key pressed opens a new TAB in IEX, and opens the site and brings me to the login screen, without actually logging in.. Pressing CTRL+\ then logs me in. .
    The second way is to directly click on the URL in the lower part of the 1PW screen. Holding the CTRL key has the same effect as above.

    So, I have a two-step work-around for this particular site. 1=go to site login screen 2=log me in.

    Question: can this behaviour be set in the login item with one of the parameters (which I do not really understand) that can be set when editing the login item ?

  • Hi @MichielSprenger,

    Your best option is to right-click on the 1Password icon in Internet Explorer and go to the Logins submenu to open the site. A quicker method is to use Control + Alt + \ and type to find the item right away to click on.

    I'll explain with more details on how this work and what the problem is below:

    I did meant right-click to open with the Control key pressed; it's the same for double-clicking, clicking on the URL in the details view, and right-clicking to select Open/Open In.

    The purpose of this Control key is to prevent 1Password from adding ?onepasswdfill=UUID to the end of your URL. When you open the site without Control, it becomes The problem is that this site breaks when you have this ID at the end.

    When you ask 1Password to open the site from the program via any options, it needs to know which Login item you want it to fill, so it adds the ID to the end of the URL, i.e., your item's ID is 1234523AD, 1Password adds it to the end of the site's URL as ?onepassword=1234523AD. When this opens in your browser, the 1Password extension installed for that browser will see this ID, decrypt the content of the item with that ID and use it to fill into the site. In most of the browsers except IE, the extension will remove the ID at the end before the browser loads the page, preventing the breakage that you saw in IE. IE doesn't have an option for us to remove it before loading the page.

    When you press the Control key, this will not add the ID to the end of the URL, which is why it won't be doing any filling in your browser and why the site works without it. The issue for is that it is reading the rest of the path instead of just the main page path, it should be ignoring the rest of the address.

    Right now, there is no way to edit the Login item to not open with the ID appended at the end, you would have to remember to either press the Control key always or open it via the extension only.

    As for the double-click, it is an option you can change between opening the site in your browser or open in editor via the File Menu > Preferences > General > Double-click.

  • MichielSprenger
    Community Member

    OK, @MikeT , I better understand now what happens. I informed the site that their login page behaves ither than most other websites.
    Can you tell me in one or two lines what it is that their site does or does not do, and how this should ideally be improved? In that case I could, as their customer, inform them.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MichielSprenger: The problem seems to be that the page is trying to redirect as soon as it loads, so the fill command from 1Password is being intercepted.

    As MikeT mentioned, Internet Explorer works very differently in this regard, as other browsers strip 1Password's fill command before even loading the page. So while there isn't anything 1Password can do in this instance (after all, you want it to try to fill for you), there may not be anything the website operator can do either, short of recoding the site, which is a tall order.

    That said, I've asked one of our colleagues to take a look at this to see if he can provide any additional insight, just in case. :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MichielSprenger,

    Basically the server seems to be reacting to the presence of any HTTP request parameter when interpreting the URL. Most sites seem to ignore them unless they're specifically looking for an expected parameter. I can't say why they're doing this, it may be security motivated - it's hard to say.

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