Helper extension chaque démarrage

Bonjour, sous chrome, à chaque démarrage en cliquant sur l'extension, le helper s'affiche et il faut attendre quelques secondes avant qu'il puisse s’exécuter correctement. C'est extrêmement fastidieux et énervant. Comment y remédier ?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: cloud station (synology)


  • traboul
    Community Member

    une réponse s'il vous plait ?

  • Bonjour @traboul,

    Can you clarify what you mean by the delay, you clicked on 1Password icon in Chrome, it takes a few seconds before it shows up to let you do anything or it takes a few seconds to unlock 1Password?

    Can you tell me what version of Chrome you have installed? Do you see any delays when using the main 1Password program?

  • traboul
    Community Member

    The problem is when I click on the icon, it always opens the helper, it says this :
    "Looking for the 1Password helper, The 1Password helper must be running for the extension to work properly."
    , when I click a second time (if I wait few seconds after the first click), it asks me to tap my password. If I don't wait few seconds after the first click, it still opens the helper.
    My version of chrome is : Version 47.0.2526.73 m
    Sorry for my english.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @traboul: Hey, no problem. Believe me, your English is much better than my French. ;)

    It sounds like the first time you click the 1Password button in Chrome, you're told that it cannot connect to the Helper ("Looking for the 1Password helper, The 1Password helper must be running for the extension to work properly.") And then, if you wait a short while and click again, the 1Password extension opens normally. Is that correct?

    I haven't been able to reproduce this problem with Chrome or any other browser. Typically, if the Helper cannot connect, it's being blocked by some other software, so it's strange that it will be blocked initially, but work after that. Do you have 'security' software or a firewall that might be...perhaps not blocking, but interfering with communications to some degree on your system?

    Please try 1Password Help > Restart 1Password Helper to see if that resolves the issue. Then try restarting Windows completely, as it could just be a temporary glitch. Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • traboul
    Community Member

    The problem is resolved, it was caused by the software AVG PC TuneUp ...

  • I'm glad to hear that, can you clarify what you had to do in AVG PC TuneUp to fix the problem?

This discussion has been closed.