Not able to get into godaddy email

I went to godaddy to request a pw change through ipw. 1pw filled in a new pw and I saved it. When I went to login to my email w/go daddy and used 1pw, it filled in a pw but not the user name and automatically hits login. because there was no user name filled and it clicks login before I have a chance to fill in the user name, I can't get in. Any suggestions?

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Referrer: forum-search:I went to godaddy to request a pw change through ipw. It filled in a new pw and I saved it. When I


  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @StephanieDignan,

    In the main 1Password program, find your Login item for GoDaddy, does it show the username? Can you edit it, go to the bottom, there's a table with your username/password fields, do you see the username row set to username designation?

    Here's what I mean:

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Ok, I will check. I just noticed another issue. I clicked on the browser extension and it didn't open. Any reason it may not open?

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    1Password Helper might not be running, it happens when it gets blocked from establishing a port by the anti-malware solution.

    It could also happen if Chrome was silently updated in the background and that drops the connection. Try restarting your browser and see if it works better. If not, open the main 1Password program and go to the Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hi Mike-thanks I got it to work!

    Another issue just came up. I had 1pw generate a new pw for Facebook. It didn't correctly save the user name (how can I get this right from the beginning so I don't need to fix it?). When I go to the main 1pw and try to edit the username field, it won't edit. I looked at your other comment above but I don't see how to edit this. thanks, stephanie

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hey Mike, Disregard the last issue. I was able to fix the user name in the main1pw so that's fixed. I would still like to know how to make sure that it saves my user name from the beginning. Also I went to Facebook to login and it says that I was using an old pw even though I just changed it through 1pw and used 1pw to login. i was able to fix that as well through the main 1pw.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    By the way, can I use apps on my phone without going to the 1pw app? I also heard that the fingerprint feature on iphone could be used for 1pw as well.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    Are you creating new Logins for the first time on the Change Password form instead of on the main login page? If you're doing it on the Change Password form, that's the issue for new Login items, that page usually does not contain the username as it focuses on changing the passwords only. Usually, when people update their password, there would already be an existing Login item in 1Password to update, which would only change the password while leaving the username intact.

    Two ways to approach this; the first is to save your existing data first when you log in and then let 1Password update the password when you change the password with its password generator on the Change Password page.

    If you don't have an existing Login, then skip saving it on the Change Password form, let the site update the password and then you can log out. Once you're logged out, go to the login page, click on the 1Password icon in your browser to select Fill Last Generated Password and enter the username, now log in and 1Password should prompt to save your Login, this will save both the username and password for you. Note that each time you generate a new password, we automatically save a copy in the Generated Passwords category in the main 1Password program, so you can always recall it without saving a Login first.

    Does this help and if it is not how you're saving new Logins, can you give me the step by step you're taking to save your data?

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    The problem that I've had with having existing logins already saved on 1pw then changing the password is that I end up with 2 listings for the same website. Then I've had the problem where it doesn't fill in the correct pw and I wondered if it was because it was using the old login. I understand using the suggestion that you made in the 3rd paragraph. i can do that for now.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    When you change the password and the auto-save prompt shows up, did you change the option to update an existing Login instead of creating a new one like this:

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    ok, I see now.

    I just changed a pw on another site and it went through and worked when I logged in yet in sent me to the "change password" section of the website. So I went to the main 1pw and changed the URL so it was just the main site. When I tried to log back in again, nothing happened. The user ID and pw didn't fill in from the browser extension.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: The best thing to do is to save the URL you want to login to in the Login item for the site in 1Password, as 1Password will simply take you wherever it's told. It's hard to be more specific without knowing what we're talking about.

    As an example, my Amazon Login item in 1Password is setup with the URL for the "Your Account", since if I'm opening the Amazon login from scratch that's usually where I want to go (and of course it can be used any other time I'm already browsing Amazon and need to login).

    So ultimately it's entirely up to you; you can choose your 'landing page' and save that URL to have 1Password take you there when you open it. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick responses. since my last comment I have a couple of new questions/issues.

    1. I just changed a pw on a bank site through the 1pw browser extension. When I tried to login again, that login didn't show up on the list of logins.
    2. Because of problem 1 (above) i reset the pw again through the browser extension. This time it showed up on the list. However, when I tried to login (it was listed this time), it didn't fill in anything. I checked the user ID, PW and URL on the main 1pw and they were all correct. I still can't login unless I change the pw again. I'm sure this site limits pw changes in a period of time so I don't want to do it again.


  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @StephanieDignan,

    I do apologize for you going through all of this, this shouldn't be complicated to use. We'll need to revisit the design of our auto-save prompt. I believe the issue you're describing in the previous one about the URL is because the auto-save replaced the saved URL with the one on the change password field. This is easily fixed by checking the box next to Replace Password Only when you're on that page like so in this screenshot:

    Because of problem 1 (above) i reset the pw again through the browser extension.

    For future reference, do not attempt to change the password again if you're having an issue with your Login items, 1Password is built to be resilient to hold all of your data (both new and old) without going through the reset password process. And as you mentioned, reset is often limited and will lock you out if you do it too often. In 99% of the times, you should never have to reset the password and 1Password has the data you need.

    In this issue with the bank site, did you choose to replace the existing Login item? If yes, did you see if there was the new password saved in the Generated Passwords category in the main 1Password program? Open 1Password, look for it on the sidebar, and if you don't see it, go to the View Menu to select Generated Passwords, it'll then show up on the sidebar. Now, sort the Generated Passwords by date and see if you can find the password you generated for the bank, you should have two recent entries, one that failed to show up the first time and most recent that did show up.

    Try copying the most recent password and log into the bank site with that password manually, does it work? If not, try the previous one and see if it works.

    If you find the password that works, here's how to proceed to save the data manually next time:

    1. Go to the site's login page in the browser, enter the username and password manually but do not submit just yet.
    2. Instead, click on the 1Password icon on the browser's toolbar to select Settings > Save New Login. Choose to replace the previous Login item or you can save it as a separate Login item.
    3. Now, refresh the page to reset the username/password fields, now ask 1Password to log you in with that new Login item.
  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Thanks Mike. I appreciate the quick responses and that it seems like you guys work around the clock. I've been working on this since 6AM! It's 2pm now. I'm determined to get this done.

    I just tried to get in again. Here's what happened:
    1. I copied the pw from main 1pw and it worked! that's the good news
    2. When I tried to use the BE (browser ext.), it wouldn't fill in the user ID or pw even though both are listed in the main pw and designated as such. Although the other good news though is that it is now listed on the BE. i just don't know why it just showed up and didn't before!

    At least i can get in and don't have to change it again. I've been doing that on many of the sites when something doesn't work. I do know how to change the URL in the mainpw and user id and pw designations.

    I am using this to generate all new passwords and not to save my current passwords by the way.

    This leads to my next question about generated passwords vs. logins listed on main 1pw. I can't edit with generated pw like I can with logins. I need to convert them to logins. When I try to go into at&t it's not listed on the BE. It's listed as "generated pw" in the main 1pw. It works when I copy the pw but it doesn't fill it in.

    In addition, when I log out of 1pw then log back in, sometimes logins show up 2X even though I had already deleted double entries.


  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Disregard my question about AT&T. I figured it out, I copied the pw from main 1pw to the pw field then the pop-up asked if I wanted to save it. It worked the next time.

    with BOA, that pop-up doesn't come up asking if I want to save it.

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @StephanieDignan,

    I'm glad to hear you're making progress.

    Some sites may be designed in ways that won't let 1Password extension know you've just logged in, thus the auto-save prompt won't show up. In cases like this, you would have to save it manually on the login page, it's the same instruction I gave you earlier using the 1Password's Settings > Save New Login like this:

    1. Go to the site's login page in the browser, enter the username and password manually but do not submit just yet.
    2. Instead, click on the 1Password icon on the browser's toolbar to select Settings > Save New Login. Choose to replace the previous Login item
    3. Now, refresh the page to reset the username/password fields and ask 1Password to log you in with that new Login item.
  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, BOA ended up working after I went to it again. I didn't do anything different.

    When I went into GoDaddy to reset GoDaddy's pw, it saved with the BOA URL for some reason. I changed it in the main 1pw. Not sure why it did that, I've seen that a couple of times where it saves as the last URL instead of the current one.

    I just went to another bank's website and reset user ID and PW. I generated a pw as the ID in addition to another one for the pw. After saving, i logged out and went back in. It wouldn't accept the new user ID. Even though the ID was accepted & saved in 1pw. I just changed 1pw to my original user ID. Any thoughts as to why that would happen?

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    That's certainly not normal. Can you email us your 1Password diagnostic report, so we can see what's going on. Please use this guide to generate the report and in the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, I went back in and changed the user ID on the banking site to the one that 1pw had generated and saved that. This time around when I went to the BE it was able to fill that in and the site accepted it.

    The other issue with this site is that it's set up differently than any other site I've used so far. The user ID is on one screen, then the next screen are 2 security questions, then the next screen is the pw. when I clicked on 1pw it filled in the user ID but stopped at the security questions (even though they were saved automatically inside 1PW). When I got to the pw screen, I clicked on 1pw to fill that form but it went back to the 1st login page (which I'm aware at this point that it goes to the first page automatically), so I can't get past that point.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    I had a new issue this AM getting into Google, I sent a diagnostics report, here's what I wrote:

    I've been chatting with Mike about many issues that have come up with using 1pw. I had a new issue this AM.

    Here's the thread from our recent conversations:

    Issue 1: Went into Google from 1pw phone app and it filled in the user name from my GoDaddy account so I couldn’t get in. I didn’t know how to download a diagnostics report from my phone.
    a. To fix that I went to my computer and changed the user name to the correct one.

    Issue 2: I tried to get into Google from my laptop but nothing would automatically fill in from the browser extension
    a. To fix issue 2, I went to the main 1pw and clicked on Help then restart 1pw helper, however, it still didn’t work when I went back to it. It just didn’t fill in anything.

    The good news is that I am able to get in if I copy and paste from main 1pw so I’m not completely locked out. I really just want the BE to work.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan, Thanks for sending in the diagnostics report. We will reply to you via email.

    ref: ASZ-75228-652

This discussion has been closed.