Wifo Sync / WIndows 10 and iPhone6 - time out error


I am getting the foloing error => Sync Problem, Error DOmain=NSOPSIXErrorDOmain Code=60 " Operation Timed Out"

Could not find anything about the error on the support site ...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:how-safe-is-cloud-sync, kb-search:sync, kb:icloud-troubleshooting, kb:wifi-troubleshooting, ug:ios/sync-over-wifi


  • Hi @JCPC,

    This means it timed out trying to establish a secure connection within a reasonable amount of time. First, please make sure your date and time are showing up same for both PC and iPhone because if they're out of sync, it will time out.

    If they are, can you tell me if 1Password sees your computer when you opened it on your iPhone and went to Settings > Sync > Wi-Fi Sync or is that when it starts timing out before seeing any computers?

    Is this the first time you're setting up the Wi-Fi sync or you were able to sync before and this is a new issue?

  • JCPC
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT, thanks for the quick response.

    1) Time and date on iPhone and Windows PC are the same.
    2) Yes, 1Password sees my pc (displays pcname and IP), I select it, key in secret and hit "sync now",,,nothing happens for about 45 - 60 seconds and then I get the error described...
    3) This is the first time I try to sync.

  • Hi @JCPC,

    Can you try something for me:

    1. Open 1Password on the iPhone, go to Settings > Vaults and switch to the Primary Vault.
    2. Now, go to Settings > Sync, attempt to perform the Wi-Fi sync, does it work?
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