Should a Password be Generated using 1Password for my Windows PC Log-in?

Brand new 1Password user here! Love it so far, but I do have a few questions:

I imagine that I should not generate a password with 1Password for my Windows PC log-in? Apologies, I have tried looking up the answer but cant seem to find a confirmation for this anywhere.

As you know, many folks log-in to their Windows PC using their Windows account (Hotmail/Outlook). So I imagine that I should not generate a password with 1Password for my Hotmail/Outlook account, or I wont be able to log-in to my PC afterwards if I don't have that password written down somewhere? And since I would not be logged-in to my PC, the vault would not yet be open and 1Password would not auto-fill the info for me. In other words I should not generate a strong, lengthy and random password for my Hotmail/Outlook account, or I will risk being locked out of my PC?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • dszp
    Community Member

    I don't work for AgileBits, but it's true that 1Password will not let you fill in your Windows login, so you should be careful if a Microsoft account is being used for Windows login. Even if you have a PIN set up, there are times Windows will still require the actual password. If you sync with Dropbox and also have 1Password on your phone you could use it to look up your password if you couldn't get into your computer, but you'd still need to type it (at least if the Windows PIN was mistyped if you had that set up).

    My suggestion is to maintain a separate more memorable (but still unusual) password for your Microsoft account, or to use a phone and Dropbox sync for secondary access and consider a PIN for Windows login so you don't have to type the password all the time. It might be useful to write the password down and file it securely at home or a safety deposit box in case your phone has issues with accessing the password in this case (and keeping your Dropbox credentials handy this way is probably also wise if your encrypted passwords are all stored inside!).

    AgileBits may have other suggestions as well of course, but hope this helps a little. Better to think through it now!

    David S.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    My suggestion is to maintain a separate more memorable (but still unusual) password for your Microsoft account

    @dszp: Thanks! That's great advice! :chuffed:

    @presidentjade: I'll take it one step further and suggest using a randomly generated password, but one of the word-based variety. Check out my post in your other discussion for more details, since this is actually pretty similar to that on a fundamental level.

    I imagine that I should not generate a password with 1Password for my Windows PC log-in? Apologies, I have tried looking up the answer but cant seem to find a confirmation for this anywhere.

    There really isn't a 'right' answer here, since it's kind of a personal philosophical matter. But the short version of my advice is that a Wordlist/Diceware™ password is still better than anything you or I can come up with, and it's also much easier to remember (if you want to) and also type (if you need to). Another option that can be used in conjunction with this is the 1Password iOS or Android app, to either avoid having to memorize the password (depending on how often you need to use it), or for easy reference if you do happen to forget it.

    I hope this suggestion helps, and perhaps others will have some suggestions of their own. Really, the best solution is the one you're actually willing and able to use, but I hope this at least gives you some food for thought along with dszp's original suggestion! :pirate:

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