Password generated by 1pw not working on bank site

I created a login through 1pw for a bank site. When I tried to get in, I couldn't. I went to the main 1pw and copied the pw and pasted it but it still didn't work. In the past, I've been resetting the pw anytime I have an issue with 1pw but I would prefer not to.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:password created by 1pw not working


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: Indeed. Unfortunately many financial sites in particular have very strict password requirements, which they may not tell you about upfront; and then if you save an 'invalid' password, 1Password will dutifully fill it for you...resulting in an unsuccessful login attempt.

    As an example (since I have no idea what site we're actually talking about here), my former bank limited the password to 8 characters (yes, eight), but the password change form readily accepted the 20 character password I tried to give it. The result? 1Password saved the strong 20 character password, but the bank truncated it and would only accept the first 8 characters on subsequent logins. As I'm sure you can imagine, this was equally baffling to me at the time.

    So my guess it that something similar is happening in your case. Please let me know what you find! :)

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