Q about transferring a personal 1pw vault to a teams vault. I only see the instructions for Mac.

I just signed up for teams and want to share a website login if possible.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Looking for how to transfer an existing vault into my teams account from my personal 1pw account.


  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    Just to clarify, are we talking about you sharing a vault with your teammates or are we talking about you using 1Password for Teams service?

    If the former, you can select the item, click on the Share button in the details view like this to select Copy to clipboard. You can also speed this up by pressing the Control + C shortcut to copy the item once you've selected it.

    Switch to your other vault that you're sharing with your team and press Control + V to paste the item from your clipboard or go to the Edit Menu > Paste.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    It's actually the latter. 1pw for teams. I see vaults but how do I set up logins? A team member joined. I clicked on logins and I don't see how to do it. If sharing vaults with teammates is easier, I'll just do that.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    At the moment, 1Password for Teams is still in the beta stage of development with no official Windows program ready to use it just yet. We hope to have something out before the public beta ends but right now, only the Mac app has the ability to move/copy items between vaults, which is why you only saw the Mac instructions.

    There's an identical thread that goes into this feature as well in our 1Password for Team Betas forum: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/53403/sharing-items-between-users#latest

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    got it, thanks. I 'll work on the sharing a vault with teammates.

  • You're welcome. Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    By the way, where's the teams menu to create a vault?

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    I would recommend using our 1Password for Teams beta forum for your questions on Teams, so our 1Password for Teams team can help you directly. You might also find related threads that already contains an answer for you.

    To create a new vault, you need to go to the Admins console on your Teams' site and to do that, click on your team name on top right to click on Admins Console. Select Vaults on top and from there, you can click on the blue + button to create a new vault.

    You can also replace your team name here to go there directly: https://[teamname].1password.com/admin/vaults

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    No, I was referring to your first response and I need to create a vault on my personal account and share it with teammates. I looked at the instructions but couldn't find out how to do it. You said to copy to clipboard and share but I don't have a vault setup to share.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    If you don't have a different vault yet, then you can create a new vault via the File Menu > Create New 1Password Vault.

    After that, share that vault file with your teammates via Dropbox or your own sync service, here's the guide on how to do this: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-windows/4/en/topic/sharing-a-vault

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Thanks Mike. I went through all of the steps. I think it worked! I am waiting to see if the person I shared it with can see it.

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Sweet, we'll be here if there's anything else you and your team need. Enjoy your weekend!

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, I just created another vault. I'm getting stuck after step 5 on the instructions on sharing a vault. I clicked share and then there were 3 options, Share with Homegroup (read) Homegroup (read/write), specific people. Which is the right choice for it to get into Dropbox to share with someone else? I tried all 3 and I'm not sure.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: Sorry for the confusion! In order to share the vault using Dropbox, don't select the Windows File Sharing option. Instead choose Dropbox > Share This Folder:

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions! :)

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Thanks Brenty. It worked!

    By the way I had to go to Windows Explorer first to find the file and move it to dropbox, it wasn't there automatically.

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    Right, it has to be saved in the Dropbox folder when you create a new vault or you can ask 1Password to move it for you. There's a Move to Dropbox button in 1Password's General preferences, which was described in the guide I've linked you to in my previous post:

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    yes, now I remember that step, got it.

  • If there's anything else we can help you with, don't hesitate to let us know.

This discussion has been closed.