Auto-Type chinese text, username is garbled.

Community Member
edited December 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

1Password Version:
Extension Version: null
OS Version: win10 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @takwai,

    Does this happen for all of your items or just that site only? Also, is there a reason why you'd like to use Auto-Type instead of our browser extension for the site in your browser? The browser extension should fill in properly if you try it, it does not involve your keyboard.

    For the issue, this may happen if Windows isn't currently set to use the same keyboard language as the one you've used to save that data with. If you switch to a different language for your input (keyboard layout), 1Password would try to match but it may return wrong data.

    Can you tell me if you're switching between languages for your keyboard input?

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