Password Not Saving When Editing.

I have passwords, like everyone, that need to update monthly. I have multiple accounts on some domains, so I login and save using autotype and not a browser extension. When I change the password, I click edit on the login screen, select the password, hit generate and cut and paste the value into the screen. When the site acknowledges my change, I come back to the screen and save out of the edit screens in one password for windows. I am finding that the system is not reliably saving my changes. When I save the password changes in chrome, there is a popup asking if I want to save the password. 99 times out of a 100, it asks me to save to the wrong login, so I say no. It seems like it is rolling back my password to the value before I manually made the change. There is no history of the passwords in the Generate Password list. I have had IT reset my passwords multiple times before I finally noticed that my passwords are not saving in my password manager. Is this a bug, user error or a feature?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7 SP 1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:password not saving, kb:recover-unsaved-password, kb-search:password not saving


  • Hi @bcw01,

    What browser are you using? We've seen this before in maybe two or three cases but we were never able to reproduce it as the few customers said it resolved later on its own. We suspected an interference between 1Password and the security program. Can you tell me what security program you might have installed on your PC?

    Let's try a test first.

    1. Go to our forum's login page ( in your browser, make sure you're not logged in if you are.
    2. Enter a random email address (like and use the 1Password's Strong Password to generate the password and press OK, it'll fill the password into the site's password field. Do not submit the form, close the tab instead.
    3. Instead, open the main 1Password program, did you see an entry show up in the Generated Passwords category for our forum?
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