how do I add my 1pw vault to A win7 or Win10 PC running in a MAC via bootcamp

I have an iMAC and MacbookPRO with ElCapitan OS and each has Windows running via Bootcamp I want to have the 1PW vault in common on all systems. work me thru the process Please

1Password Version: 4 on WIN and 5 on MAC
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: iCloud on Macs and dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:how do I add my 1pw vault to A win7 or Win10 PC running in a MAC via bootcamp


  • Hi @stroebel,

    I notice you said you're using iCloud and Dropbox on your Macs, your best option is to use Dropbox to sync your 1Password data between all of your computers, both PC and Mac.

    Can you tell me if you're already syncing your 1Password data beteween your Macs or you only have data on one Mac and you want to start from there to the rest of your computers?

  • stroebel
    Community Member

    The 2 Macs i think are linked by icloud but im not certain. I know i havent used Dropbox. I think i'd like start from one Mac to the rest. The Windows are on the same Macs using Bootcamp.

  • Hi @stroebel,

    1Password doesn't support iCloud sync on Windows, you'll have to switch to using Dropbox or iCloud Drive if you don't have any mobile devices that you may want to use 1Password on later.

    Can you email us your 1Password diagnostic report on the Mac that you want to start with and we'll reply with the instructions to set it up on the rest of your computers. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us. In the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so we can connect the thread to the email.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

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