Have to enter master password twice on Windows

On Mac I can unlock from mini and then the main program also unlocks. Why not also on Windows?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 6.1.7601
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: kb-search:enter password twice, kb:enter-master-password-twice, kb-search:enter password twice, kb:enter-master-password-twice


  • Artesian
    Community Member

    Forgot to mention, the extension is for Chrome. It's the only browser I use.

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @Artesian,

    The way 1Password's auto-lock system works is different per platform, it will not be consistent. We do plan to improve the unlock system in the future to make it more painless but no promises for now.

    Here's the details on what happens: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-windows-kb/4/en/topic/excessive-data-locking

    The shorter answer is that the main program's process must be running at the time you unlock the extension in your browser as the extension is handled by a different 1Password process, the 1Password Helper. When both are running, the unlock/lock should be consistent but when only one is running, it isn't consistent.

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