I purchased 1 Password 4 for Windows in May 2015, but i've forgotten the Master Password.

I previously asked this question but was not able to follow through.
I've forgotten my Master Password for the Windows program. The one i wrote down is not accepted. I cannot open the Primary Vault nor sync it.
However I should have backups on WD external HD, iCloud, Dropbox,etc (I do try to be careful).
I understand that you can not restore the Master Password to me but do I understand correctly that if I start over again with a new vault that the backups can be downloaded to the new program?
Also, do you have a discount programs for dunderheads?
I also have the IOS apps. The only problem I have with them (3 devices) is that they are backing up but not syncing properly.
Thank you for your patience (I hope),

ps I have a new puter with Win10, the external hd was backed up from Win7 would that cause any problems? I have not yet downloaded the hd to Win10.

1Password Version: Windows 4, IOS 6.1.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10, IOS 9.2
Sync Type: iCloud, Dropox
Referrer: kb:mini-extension-security, kb-search:extensions, kb:install-browser-extension


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2015

    I understand that you can not restore the Master Password to me but do I understand correctly that if I start over again with a new vault that the backups can be downloaded to the new program?

    @Erfngel: No. You will still need to know the correct Master Password, as the backups are also encrypted using it. Otherwise it wold be trivial for someone to steal your 1Password data from a backup.

    However, if you were previously using another Master Password that you do know, then restoring from a backup may help. But if you've always used the same Master Password, then it would be needed for you to access 1Password data all the way back to the oldest backup.

    We offer upgrade discounts to existing customers...but if you already have a license for 1Password for Windows version 4, there's no need for you to pay again.

    1Password for Windows backups are compatible regardless of the Windows version, so no problem there. I guess my question is...do you have all of your 1Password data in 1Password for iOS? If so, we should be able to get you up-and-syncing, and that may help you recover your data. Please let me know! :)

  • Erfngel
    Community Member

    Thank you for responding so quickly.
    Yes most of my data is stored in my iPad

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @Erfngel,

    And you are able to unlock 1Password on your iPad, right?

    If so, here's how to proceed with the Wi-Fi sync for now, we can switch to Dropbox later if that's what you want to use:

    1. Open 1Password on your PC and go to the File Menu > New 1Password Vault
    2. Save the file to your Documents > 1Password folder and use the same master password that you're using on your iPad
    3. Now, unlock this vault and go to the File Menu > Wi-Fi Sync and leave the Wi-Fi sync dialog open
    4. On your iPad, unlock 1Password, and go to the Settings > Sync, and perform the Wi-Fi sync with your PC. This guide will help with the rest: https://support.1password.com/guides/ios/sync-over-wifi.html

    I hope that helps.

  • Erfngel
    Community Member

    Thank you, MikeT,
    I will do that and let you know how it went. Thank you so much for your patience.

  • You're welcome! Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help.

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