I was on a site, generated a password, updated the site, now I can't see the password in 1Password

Community Member
edited December 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I will lose access to my site...........no back door........please help.

Using Firefox on Windows 10 desktop computer.

I am still logged in, can you do a support session and help me please.........call me at [phone number removed from public forum by moderator] asap.

Thanks so much,


1Password Version: 4.6.0592
Extension Version: 4.4.3 (Mozilla Firefox)
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:password not saved in 1password for a site


  • kcca
    Community Member

    Not sure if I should have posted my phone number but I really need to talk to a human being on this one. Not sure why you don't have telephone support.

  • kcca
    Community Member

    Or maybe you do have telephone support I just can't find it on your web site.

  • kcca
    Community Member

    Will someone be responding tonight?

  • kcca
    Community Member

    Appears from my analysis that the password was not saved in 1Password in the history (i.e. generated passwords) as I can't get the password to work..........maybe the Mozilla Firefox Browser ("MFB") extenstion did not save properly when it was generated..........can I access all passwords generated in the MFB extension? This is going to drive me crazy if I can't access my site.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kcca: Sorry for the trouble! You can actually find the generated password in your vault in the main 1Password app under "Generated Passwords". You can copy it to your Login item once you've verified that it works with the website. I hope this helps!

    Also, we're human beings, but we're a small team and don't have the means to provide inbound phone support. So we try our best to solve problems via forums or email if at all possible. For example, it is impossible to receive a Diagnostics Report over the phone, and following steps at your own pace is a huge advantage of forum and email support.

    But of course if you would prefer email support, you can email us instead: support+forum@agilebits.com It is the same team of people replying both here and via email, but if you prefer email, please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum username so that we can "connect the dots". You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can quickly track down your email and ensure that it is dealt with quickly. :)

  • kcca
    Community Member

    Tried to find the generated password........unfortunately it was not there (or at least I thought it was not there). What I mean is that the "generated password" when used on the site would not work............I must have done something terribly wrong so that the generated password was not there. I am very new to 1Password.......I just advised my site to reset my password. A lesson learned indeed. Thanks for getting back to me and would like "human" support as I find when support techs can attach to my computer and show me what needs to be done I learn a lot more and at times have better resolutions. All the best, Ken.

  • kcca
    Community Member

    Is there no way a "human" can connect to my computer to help me out.........my site provider is giving me one more chance before I will not be able to access my account (and lose a lot of work as no back door). Please advise, otherwise I have to start over and lose a ton of work and it will be a big hassle. If not, I will be very disappointed with your forum and tech support (just used to having all avenues for support from software companies). Let me know asap, thanks, Ken.

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @kcca,

    Please email us at support+forum@agilebits.com with the link to this thread and we can take a look at your situation to see what may have happened.

    Let us know here when you've sent the email and we'll make sure someone get on your email right away.

This discussion has been closed.