cant get lastpass import scripts to run. File not found in path

hello -
I am considering moving to 1password from lastpass for a couple of reasons.
I am thankful that you provide a script for importing lastpass but I cant get it to run. have reviewed the doc on it several times.
Can someone post windows specific step by step in response please?
I would also like to know if the script will duplicate passwords that have already been added?
My final question is around editing an entry. Sometimes, as with lastpass the file is saved without the username. I dont see a way to edit the 1passwords entry to add it. Am I missing something?
As a suggestion. When you charge $50 for a password manager, you should probably design it to import laspass exported csv directly and not rely on a 3rd party pearl script, no matter how reliable.
Thank you

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: win 7 64x
Sync Type: none yet


  • Hi guys,

    @IgorSchneider, thanks for sharing that with the community.

    I'll ping @MrC here as he's working on improving the scripts and he loves to help.

    I dont see a way to edit the 1passwords entry to add it. Am I missing something?

    If it is for a site, we recommend that you update it by creating it in the browser extension, so it can accurately fill it next time. It goes like this:

    1. Visit the site in the browser, enter the username and copy the password from the Login item into the site. You can copy by clicking on 1Password icon in your browser, right-click on the Login item that shows up on top and click on the password to copy it to the clipboard.
    2. After filling both the username and password, do not submit the form yet. Instead, click on the 1Password icon to select Settings > Save New Login and then use the option to replace the saved Login with this new one.

    If you want to do it manually, which might incur the risk of not filling the username with the browser extension, you can edit the Login item by selecting the item in the main 1Password program, click on the pencil icon to edit it, and go to the bottom table view to add the username row, shown in this screenshot:

    We plan to simplify this further in the future for 1Password.

    As a suggestion. When you charge $50 for a password manager, you should probably design it to import laspass exported csv directly and not rely on a 3rd party pearl script, no matter how reliable.

    Our first focus is on improving the program itself but you are right, it would be nice if we could improve the import process to handle some of the most popular programs to make the migration process easier instead of relying on the 3rd party scripts. It is something we'd like to do in the future for 1Password on Windows.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Hi @kevm,

    Would you like some additional help converting? You can either post here, or reach out to me at my email address (which is at the top of the script files). I'll offer safe remote help as well if you want. Just let me know what you'd prefer.

    I am a little confused about your asking for Step-by-Step instructions, since the README.pdf contains exactly that!

    @IgorSchneider your posting is almost verbatim lifted text from the README, but is now obsolete.

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